So You Think an Afghan Hound Is for You?
Discover the glamorous Afghan Hound, a stunning, independent breed that brings both beauty and unique challenges to ownership.
Angie Robertson | Joie de Vie Beaucerons
Angie Robertson the breeder behind Joie Vie Beaucerons. Read about the kennel’s beginnings, puppies, and much more!
Sharon Myshock Wright | Forrest Bouviers
Sharon Myshock Wrightis the breeder behind Forrest Bouviers . Read about the kennel’s beginnings, puppies, and much more!
Snapshots of English Setter History
Explore the history of famous English Setters, from Rummey’s breeding legacy to Daro’s Westminster triumph and Hadji’s record wins.
Terry Miller & Dominique Dube | Déjà vu & Popsakadoo
Terry Miller & Dominique Dube is the breeder behind Déjà vu & Popsakadoo Briards. Read about the kennel’s beginnings, puppies, and much more!
Erica Max | Des Montagnes Berger Picardy
Erica Max is the breeder behind Des Montagnes Berger Picardy. Read about the kennel’s beginnings, puppies, and much more!