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Event Judge Entry Class Breed Name
Best In Show Jan Ritchie Gladstone Airedale Terrier GCHS Longvue Dare To Dream
Reserve Best In Show Jan Ritchie Gladstone Toy Poodle GCHS Sweet Aico Miss Yoyo At Piedmont
Junior Showmanship Ms. Sheila Taylor Allen Open Intermediate Borzoi Kendall Parker
Best In Show: Nat’l Owner Handled Series Dr. Eric Liebes Rough Collie Marnus If You Just Believe
Reserve Junior Showmanship Ms. Sheila Taylor Allen Open Senior Boston Terrier Trinity Smith
Reserve Best In Show: Nat’l Owner Handled Series Dr. Eric Liebes Pug Ulric Bright Light Du Domaine De La Paix Celeste
Sporting Group Mrs. Joan Luna Liebes 78 1st Place Vizsla Tradewind’s Because I Can JH CGCU CGCA TKA
Sporting Group Mrs. Joan Luna Liebes 78 2nd Place Brittany GCHB Brigadier Shamrock Shoot For The Stars Of Fernhill
Sporting Group Mrs. Joan Luna Liebes 78 3rd Place Gordon Setter GCHB Tamarack Valley View River Of Dreams
Sporting Group Mrs. Joan Luna Liebes 78 4th Place Bracco Italiano CH Bushwacker Deliverance
Hound Group Ms. Dierdre Petrie 80 1st Place Beagle (13″ and under) GCHS Fetch & Smell Olive Oyl
Hound Group Ms. Dierdre Petrie 80 2nd Place Longhaired Dachshund GCHG Harewood Royall T Son of a Biscuit SL
Hound Group Ms. Dierdre Petrie 80 3rd Place Saluki CH Sarea’s Midnight Sun Of Socorro JC
Hound Group Ms. Dierdre Petrie 80 4th Place Rhodesian Ridgeback GCHS DC Celtic Lore’s Honor and Valor SC BCAT CGC
Working Group Dr. Eric Liebes 59 1st Place Doberman Pinscher GCHG Alcher Let’s Roll V Aquarius CGC TKN WAC
Working Group Dr. Eric Liebes 59 2nd Place Cane Corso CH Bravado’s Talk Of The Town Imperial Satin
Working Group Dr. Eric Liebes 59 3rd Place Akita CH Titan’s Creole Tune ATT FITB
Working Group Dr. Eric Liebes 59 4th Place Portuguese Water Dog CH Ondakina’s Plum Blossoms In The Moonlight CGCA TKI FTI
Terrier Group Mrs. Cindy Lane 28 1st Place Airedale Terrier GCHS Longvue Dare To Dream
Terrier Group Mrs. Cindy Lane 28 2nd Place Smooth Fox Terrier GCHG Pinnacle Broxden Lickety Split
Terrier Group Mrs. Cindy Lane 28 3rd Place Russell Terrier Rushden Burning Bridges
Terrier Group Mrs. Cindy Lane 28 4th Place Lakeland Terrier CH Sheffield’s Wilde Knight De Cheline
Toy Group Ms. Dierdre Petrie 95 1st Place Toy Poodle GCHS Sweet Aico Miss Yoyo At Piedmont
Toy Group Ms. Dierdre Petrie 95 2nd Place Miniature Pinscher GCH Bubic In The Limelight
Toy Group Ms. Dierdre Petrie 95 3rd Place Japanese Chin GCHB Ni Kokoro Shiro Hebi
Toy Group Ms. Dierdre Petrie 95 4th Place English Toy Spaniel (King Charles & Ruby) GCHB Sanchi Written In The Stars
Non-Sporting Group Mrs. Cindy Lane 55 1st Place Bichon Frise GCHB Top Speed Neal
Non-Sporting Group Mrs. Cindy Lane 55 2nd Place Standard Poodle CH Hightide Tarquin We Didnt’t Start The Fire
Non-Sporting Group Mrs. Cindy Lane 55 3rd Place Tibetan Spaniel GCH Dreamcast Painted Pony
Non-Sporting Group Mrs. Cindy Lane 55 4th Place French Bulldog Riskyhills Marvelous Magic Mike
Herding Group Mr. Robert Frost 72 1st Place Miniature American Shepherd GCH Strick’s Strutin Iconic
Herding Group Mr. Robert Frost 72 2nd Place Beauceron Uvava Of Prarie Crest BCAT CGC TKA FTN
Herding Group Mr. Robert Frost 72 3rd Place Polish Lowland Sheepdog CH Tramperus Kolezanka Swancrest
Herding Group Mr. Robert Frost 72 4th Place Berger Picard CH Eclipse Ace In The Hole
Best in Miscellaneous Class Mrs Joan Luna Liebes Basset Fauve de Bretagne Solow Nubble Light D’Aahroo