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Broadcreek Belgian Malinois Kennels – Susan Legg

Broadcreek Belgian Malinois | Susan Legg


We have been breeding Broadcreek Belgian Malinois for almost 30 years and have bred 14 #1 ranked Malinois. (I’d bred German Shepherds and Rottweilers for years and had shown my dogs.)


Broadcreek Belgian Malinois – How It All Started?

We got into the breed because I started showing Belgian Malinois for a friend of mine who was a K-9 officer at the prison in Princess Anne, Maryland. I finished Luke’s championship quickly by winning Best of Breed from the classes.

Luke was the K-9 dog at the prison. He was the drug dog and was used for crowd control. He was also used locally for drug searches in schools.


Broadcreek Belgian Malinois
Broadcreek Belgian Malinois | Susan Legg


Brian called me and told me that Luke’s mother and sister were for sale, and so I bought them. I also acquired CH Majestics Atlas, and finished his championship by also winning Breed from the classes when he was 10 months old—a month after he came to live with me. I then leased a bitch that was bred to a French import, and we kept three males and one female out of that litter.


30 Years of Breeding Winners

Mika ended up being #1 ranked Malinois for three years and is one of the top-producing sires of champions in the breed. He sired over 100 champions of our breeding. We bred Mika to Star and kept CH Broadcreek’s Orion. He was a very square dog with a beautiful breed type and also an incredible stud dog. He produced GCH Broadcreek’s Mirabella who is the most winning Malinois in the breed.

She won 10 Best in Show awards and 50 Group Firsts. She won the National Specialty under Linda Robey at 12 years old. I was so glad I was there to celebrate with her owner, Shawn Mullinix, and handler, Roger Ellis. Shawn is one of my greatest friends, and we have owned many Malinois together throughout the years.


Broadcreek’s Brothers

Rick and Stephanie Welder purchased a male puppy I had for sale, CH Broadcreek’s Hoosier Knight, who ended up being #1 for four years, won the Breed at Westminster four years in a row, and won the National Specialty when he was 15 months old. (Mika won Stud Dog at that National.) Rick was our best man at our wedding.

Hoosier’s brother, CH Broadcreek’s Gus of Leelinaw, was #1 for a year. He was owned by Shawn Nelson and shown by David Sambach. Gus is the only Malinois to have won a Group Placement at Westminster; we were so proud of his winning that Group 2. He also won two Bests in Show.

Broadcreek Belgian Malinois
Broadcreek Belgian Malinois


GCHG Broadcreek’s Hurricane was our third Malinois to win a Best in Show, and he also won Breed at the AKC National Championship show two times and the Breed at Westminster.

CH Broadcreek’s Make a Wish was one of my husband’s favorite Malinois. She loved dog shows and she was his dog. She was # 1 for three years.

CH Broadcreek’s Abbey Road was #1 for one year and was an incredible mom. She produced Cain, Lucy, and Vader who have all been the top-winning Malinois for the last five years.


Covid Hits

GCHG Broadcreek’s Darth Vader of Darste was #1 in 2018 and was #1 in the beginning of 2020 when COVID hit and the shows all got canceled in the Northeast where we live. We couldn’t go to Florida because we werebuilding a new house in Delaware. It was so hard on us.

We were so used to showing almost every weekend and my life came to a screeching halt. My friends live all over the place and I was used to seeing them at dog shows. It has been great to get back to showing dogs again. We appreciate everything that our owners have done with the dogs we have placed with them; all of the work, training and love that they have given them to put all the titles on their dogs.


Preserving Belgian Malinois

Judges definitely need to read the standard carefully and remember that this is a breed used for police work. The Malinois needs to be a substantial dog that can take down a man. We are seeing too many small Malinois, and a few have been disqualified lately for being under the standard. Judges should wicket small Malinois.

The Belgian Malinois Breed Standard is being changed: Solid black and brindle-striped Belgian Malinois are becoming a disqualification. Malinois shouldn’t have big white spots or a white blaze on their chest. They should have dark, almond eyes. Belgian Malinois shouldn’t have big ears. They should have course coats with a dense undercoat. (They shouldn’t have a coat like a Great Dane.)

Belgian Malinois should be rich in color with black overlay, not blonde. They should be muscled and in condition to herd or do other work. They should have good temperaments and be confident. This is a square breed, they should not be long. Shoulder angulation is very important because if they do jumps in agility or obedience or police work, a dog with a straight shoulder will become lame.



We have to thank Dr. and Mrs. Monroe Kornfeld for all of their support through the years, co-owning many dogs with us. We could not have achieved what we have done without the help and friendship of our owners and our family. My son, Greg, used to go to shows with us when he was a teenager, and he’s a great handler who put championships on many of our dogs.

We appreciate all the judges who have recognized the quality of our dogs, and we really miss some of the great judges who have passed away.

We look forward to showing Vader for the next few years and we love seeing his offspring winning in the show ring.



Looking for a Belgian Malinois puppy? Contact the American Belgian Malinois Club and check out their Breeder Referral List.