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Pumi Dog Breed

About the Pumi

The Pumi (pronounced “poomie”) is a versatile and energetic purebred, renowned for its intelligence and playful demeanor. Originating in Hungary, this active and alluring breed is a herding dog at heart, showcasing a remarkable ability to control livestock with precision and agility. With its unique appearance, characterized by a curly coat and expressive, alert facial features, the Pumi has the ability to captivate the hearts of working dog enthusiasts and pet owners alike. Its medium-sized frame is complemented by a spirited personality, making the Pumi an excellent companion for active individuals and families.

AKC Group

AKC Group


Dog Breed Height


15 – 18.5 Inches

Dog Breed Weight


22 – 29 Pounds

Dog Breed Lifespan


12 – 13 Years


Country of Origin Hungary
Bred For Livestock Herding, Companionship
Known For Corkscrew-Curled Coat, Intelligence, Versatility
Popularity Low
Temperament Energetic, Lively, Ready to Work
Activities Herding, Running, Hiking, Conformation Shows, Dog Sports

History of the Pumi

HUNGARY - CIRCA 1956: stamp printed by Hungary, shows Sheepdog Pumi

The Pumi originated in Hungary where it was primarily used for herding cattle and sheep. The breed is believed to have descended from ancient herding dogs brought to Hungary by migrating peoples, and later crossed with French and German herding breeds. The Pumi has been an integral part of Hungarian agricultural communities for centuries, valued for its excellent herding abilities, its incredible agility, and its extraordinary intelligence.

The breed has played a significant role in the lives of local farmers, helping to drive and manage a variety of livestock throughout the year. The Pumi’s keen intelligence, energetic disposition, and alert nature made for a reliable working companion. It was the dogs’ ability to herd and guard livestock, as well as keep vermin at bay, that made them so indispensable.

The Pumi was first recognized in Hungary in the early 20th century, and a Breed Standard was established to solidify the breed’s status as a distinct purebred. The American Kennel Club (AKC) officially recognized the Pumi in 2016, placing it in its Herding Group. Additionally, the breed is recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and The Royal Kennel Club (UK), further establishing support internationally.

The breed’s popularity has grown steadily, particularly in Europe and North America where it has found success not only as a herding dog but also in various dog sports and as a beloved companion. Its playful and affectionate nature, combined with its intelligence and exceptional work ethic, make it a popular choice for farming families and individuals alike.

Today, the Pumi continues to captivate hearts with its charming personality, distinctive appearance, and versatile capabilities. While it remains a somewhat rare breed, its unique characteristics and suitability for various canine activities have allowed it hold a special position in the world of purebred dogs. The Pumi stands as a testament to the enduring bond between humans and dogs, showcasing the incredible versatility and companionship that our canine friends always provide.

General Appearance

Height & Weight

The adult male Pumi typically stands at a height ranging from 16 to 18.5 inches at the shoulder, with the adult female being slightly shorter, standing at 15 to 17.5 inches.

In terms of weight, a healthy male Pumi generally weighs between 27 and 29 pounds; a female typically weighs in the range of 22 to 24 pounds.

Proportion & Substance

A photo of a Pumi dog standing in grass.

Pumik, the plural form of Pumi, exhibit a well-proportioned body, with a square build that reflects its strength and agility. The ratio of height at the withers to length of the body is 1:1, giving the breed a compact and robust appearance. This herding dog possesses substantial bone for its size, providing it with stability and endurance. The Pumi’s substance is balanced, appearing neither too light nor too heavy and allowing for optimal performance in various canine activities and work-related functions. These attributes are crucial for a breed with a heritage deeply rooted in managing and moving livestock.

Coat Texture, Colors & Markings

Texture: The unique double coat of the Pumi consists of a harsh outer coat and a softer undercoat. A combination of wavy and curly hairs form corkscrew curls that stand out from the body at a length of 1.5 to 3 inches. The hair around the eyes and on the face is shorter, but the hair on the underside of the tail can reach a greater length. The coat should be allowed to dry naturally, and should never be fluffed-up or blown dry.

Pumi Colors

Standard Color
White ee
Silver Gray ee
Gray ee
Black ee
Fawn ee
Born Gray ee
Born Brown ee

A Note About Color: The Pumi is a solid-colored dog. Puppies are born black, but a “graying” gene causes the coat to lighten as it grows; however, an overall solid appearance should be seen on the adult dog.

Pumi Markings

Standard Marking
Black & Tan Markings ee
Brindle Markings ee


A close-up photo of Pumi's head.

  • Skull: The skull of the Pumi is flat when viewed from the side and slightly rounded when seen from the front. The width of the skull is in balance with its length, contributing to the breed’s well-proportioned head. The stop is well defined, enhancing an alert and intelligent expression.
  • Expression: The breed’s expression is lively and intelligent, reflecting its energetic and alert nature. The dog’s inquisitive nature is evident through its expressive facial features, capturing the attention of onlookers and showcasing its engaging personality.
  • Eyes: Medium in size and slightly oblique, the Pumi’s eyes are dark brown, contributing to the dog’s bold and intelligent expression. The eyelids fit closely, protecting the eyes and adding to the breed’s attentive look.
  • Ears: One of the most distinctive features of the Pumi are its ears. They are high set, medium-sized, and stand erect with a slight bend at the top. The ears are covered with longer hair, creating a visually delightful appearance to the head.
  • Muzzle: The muzzle is straight and narrows gradually towards a blunt end. It is of medium length, balancing well with the skull and adding much to the breed’s charming appearance.
  • Nose: The nose is always black, regardless of coat color, and is well developed. Its prominence adds much to the breed’s distinctive head.
  • Bite: The Pumi has a complete set of evenly spaced, white teeth that meet in a scissors bite. This characteristic is crucial for the breed’s functionality as a hard-working herder of livestock.


The tail of a Pumi is set high and carried over the back, creating a lively and spirited look. The tail forms a loop, with the tip touching the dog’s back and showcasing the breed’s alert and ready-to-act nature.

The tail is covered with curly hair, mirroring the texture of the coat on the rest of the body. This consistency of texture adds to the breed’s harmonious and well-balanced appearance. The hair on the tail, however, is slightly longer than that of the body, adding a touch of elegance and flair to the breed’s silhouette.

Pumik are not known to have bobtails; instead, they retain their tail’s full length, allowing for a natural beauty and a distinctive silhouette. The undocked tail speaks to the breed’s herding heritage, as a full tail aids in balance and agility while herding livestock over various terrain.

The Pumi – What to Consider?

Owning a Pumi requires commitment as these dogs are very intelligent and need to be engaged in some form of work. Pumik flourish when given tasks to perform and require a considerable amount of exercise to satisfy their high energy levels. They form strong bonds with their families, making them exceptional companions; however, they do best in environments where they are included in daily activities.

Given their herding background, Pumik have a strong instinct to control and manage their environment, which necessitates consistent training and early socialization to foster well-behaved and balanced behavior. They can be wary of strangers, a trait that showcases their inherently protective nature and makes them excellent watchdogs. It’s important for potential caretakers of this breed to provide proper socialization from a young age to make sure the dogs develop well-rounded behavior around unfamiliar people and other animals.

Home Life

Interaction With Family

The level of affection a breed typically shows towards family members and familiar individuals will vary. While some breeds may only show genuine warmth towards their owner, remaining standoffish with strangers, other breeds will treat everyone they meet as if they are their closest friend.
Independent Affectionate

Good With Other Dogs

The innate friendliness of a dog towards other dogs can depend on its breed. Although supervision is always recommended during introductions, certain breeds tend to be inherently more or less sociable with other dogs, whether in a home setting or in public spaces.
Not Recommended Reliable With Other Dogs

Good With Young Children

The degree to which a breed will typically be patient with young children, and its overall suitability as a family member, will vary. It is important to always supervise interactions between dogs and the kids in the house, as well as with children who are not accustomed to being around dogs.
Not Recommended Dependable With Children


Amount Of Shedding

The amount of hair that a dog sheds will typically depend on its breed. Heavy-shedding breeds require more frequent brushing, have a higher chance of activating specific allergies, and often necessitate more frequent use of the vacuum cleaner and lint rollers.
Low High

Frequency Of Grooming

The regularity with which a breed needs bathing, brushing, trimming, or other forms of coat care is an all-important consideration. When evaluating the grooming effort required, consider your available time, patience, and budget. It is important to note that all breeds need routine ear, teeth, and nail care.
Monthly Daily

Amount Of Drooling

The tendency of a breed to drool significantly varies from breed to breed. For those who prefer cleanliness or are particular about keeping things tidy, breeds that are likely to leave trails of drool on your arm or large slobbery marks on your clothing and furniture might not be the best fit.
Low High

Coat Type


Coat Length




Trainability Level

The ease with which a dog can be trained and its eagerness to learn new skills can depend on the breed. Some breeds are naturally inclined to please their owners and will readily accept training, while others tend to follow their own desires, often showing independence in how, when, and where they choose to do things.
Stubborn Eager

Barking Level

The frequency of vocalization, including barking and howling, will vary from breed to breed. Some may bark at each person who passes by and every bird in the sky, while others will typically bark only for a good reason. Additionally, a few breeds that do not typically bark will still be vocal, using different sounds to communicate.
Quiet Vocal

Energy Level

The level of physical exercise and mental engagement required will depend on the breed. High-energy breeds are always on the go. They are enthusiastic about their next activity and tend to be busy most of the time, running, jumping, and playing throughout the day. In contrast, low-energy breeds are akin to couch potatoes, content to just lounge around and take naps throughout the day.
Couch Potato Busybody

Need For Mental Stimulation

The extent of mental stimulation needed to keep a dog content and healthy will vary by breed. Dogs bred for specific purposes may need tasks involving decision-making, problem-solving, and concentration. Without sufficient mental exercise, these dogs can resort to creating their own activities to engage their minds, resulting in unwanted behaviors like chewing, digging, and escaping.
Minimal Engagement Intensive Interaction

Pumi Health

Lifespan: Pumik are generally regarded as a healthy breed, having a lifespan that typically ranges from 12 to 13 years.

Despite the breed’s robustness, the Pumi can be susceptible to certain health conditions. Prospective Pumi owners should prioritize finding a reputable breeder who conducts comprehensive health clearances to verify the wellbeing of their breeding stock.

Potential Health Risks

Pumik, can be susceptible to certain health conditions. Potential owners should be aware of these risks to ensure their Pumi receives the best possible care. Some health issues worthy of consideration include:

  • Hip Dysplasia: This is a condition where the thigh bone doesn’t fit snugly into the hip joint. Pumik with hip dysplasia may show pain and lameness on one or both rear legs, although the condition may not be noticeable at all without an x-ray.
  • Patellar Luxation: Also known as “slipped stifles,” this is a common problem in smaller dogs. It causes lameness in the leg or an abnormal gait that is often expressed as a sort of skip or hop.
  • Eye Conditions: Pumik can be prone to various eye conditions, so regular check-ups can help to identify and treat these issues early on.
  • Skin Allergies: Pumik are known to sometimes suffer from skin allergies, which can occasionally cause discomfort and require medical attention.

To maintain the health and well-being of a Pumi, regular veterinary visits are essential. These check-ups help in early detection of potential health issues and provide opportunities for socialization with new people and dogs alike. The health history of a puppy’s parents and other relatives should be shared to gain insight into any hereditary health issues that might be prevalent in the family.

Pumi Personality

The Pumi is known for its lively and energetic personality, making it a delight to have around. However, these dogs do require a specific kind of handling due to their unique personality traits. They tend to form strong bonds with their families, and while they are not the most novice-friendly breed, with the right training and socialization they can adapt well to various households. Their sensitivity level is moderately high, meaning they respond well to positive reinforcement and can be quite perceptive to the emotions of their human companions.

When it comes to being alone, Pumik can manage brief periods of solitude, but they prefer to be engaged in activities or to be in the company of their family members. They have a moderate tolerance for being left alone, and thrive best when they’re included in family activities.

Pumik generally get along well with other dogs, especially when they’re properly socialized from a young age. They can be a bit reserved or cautious around strangers, but they are not typically aggressive. However, proper introductions and positive experiences with new people can help to ease their wariness.

When it comes to young children, Pumik can be good companions, but interactions should always be supervised, especially if the children are not familiar with how to interact with dogs appropriately. Pumik are playful and enjoy engaging in games, but they also have a herding instinct. So, they may attempt to herd the children!

Pumi Feeding & Nutrition

Providing proper nutrition is crucial for maintaining the health and vitality of Pumik. These energetic dogs require a balanced diet to support their active lifestyle. When it comes to feeding a Pumi puppy, it’s essential to choose a high-quality puppy food that supports their growth and development. Generally, a Pumi puppy should be fed three to four times a day.

As they mature into adults, the frequency of their meals can be reduced to twice a day. The amount of food a Pumi requires can vary based on their age, size, and activity level. On average, an adult Pumi may require between 1 to 1.5 cups of dry dog food per day. However, it’s vital to consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate portion sizes and to make sure that their nutritional needs are being met.

Pumik have a moderate tendency to gain weight, so it’s crucial to monitor their calorie consumption and weight level. Treats can be an important aid in training, but giving too many can cause obesity. Learning which human foods are safe for Pumik, as well as those that are not, is important. If you have any concerns about your dog’s weight or diet, it is advisable to check with your vet.

Fresh, clean water should be available at all times for your dog, helping it stay hydrated throughout the day. Regularly monitoring their diet, providing portion control, and making sure that they have access to clean water will contribute significantly to their overall well-being.

Pumi Training

Pumi running on a field.

The Pumi is an intelligent and quick learner, which makes these dogs relatively easy to train. However, they do have a strong-willed and independent streak, meaning consistent and firm training is required. Using positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, praise, and play can yield excellent results. Due to their intelligence, they require mental stimulation to prevent boredom, which could lead to unwanted behavior.

While Pumik are not known for excessive barking, they will alert their owners to the presence of strangers or unusual situations. Early socialization and training can help to manage this tendency to bark. Furthermore, these dogs have a moderate degree of wanderlust. They can have the urge to explore if an interesting scent catches their attention, so secure fencing and obedience training are crucial.

The Pumi has a prey drive and may show a tendency to chase after small animals. Training can help to manage this behavior, and it is advisable to keep these dogs on a leash during walks in unsecured areas. They respond well to training that involves games and fun activities, which makes training sessions enjoyable for both the dog and the handler.

Pumi Exercise

The Pumi possesses a high level of energy and requires regular exercise to maintain good health and happiness. These agile and lively dogs thrive on activities that engage both their minds and bodies, making them well-suited for active families and singles.

Exercise Expectations

Energy Level High
Exercise Requirements 2 Hours/Day (Minimum), Daily Walks, Vigorous Running, Regular Exercise, Playing with Another Dog, Mental Stimulation

The Pumi’s energy levels are high, and these dogs require ample exercise to prevent boredom and potential behavioral issues. A combination of physical activity and mental stimulation is ideal for this breed. Activities such as running, playing fetch, and agility training can help to burn off any excess energy and keep the Pumi in good shape.

The intensity of the Pumi’s exercise regimen should be moderate-to-high, reflecting the breed’s energetic nature. These dogs enjoy being challenged and engaged, making activities that require them to think and move simultaneously particularly beneficial. Despite their small size, they have a lot of stamina and can participate easily in long play sessions.

Pumik also exhibit a playful demeanor, and they enjoy interactive games with their human companions. They can be quite playful, so providing them with a variety of toys and games can help to keep them entertained.

Pumi Grooming

A photo of a Pumi dog lying in grass.

Grooming a Pumi requires a consistent routine to maintain the coat’s health and prevent matting. This breed possesses a curly, medium-length coat that is neither too coarse nor too soft, requiring regular brushing to keep it in good condition.

Grooming Expectations

Coat Type Wavy to Curly, Combination of Harsh and Soft, Medium Length
Grooming Requirements Weekly Inspection, Occasional Bathing & Scissoring, Routine Ear Cleaning, Periodic Nail Trimming, Regular Tooth Brushing

Pumik do not shed excessively, but their curly hair can become tangled and matted if not properly cared for. Brushing the coat a few times a week can help to prevent mats and tangles, and it also helps to distribute natural oils throughout their coat, keeping it healthy and shiny. In addition to brushing, regular baths are needed to keep the coat in tip-top shape.

The Pumi’s grooming sessions also provide an excellent opportunity to check for any signs of skin issues and parasites. Paying attention to the Pumi’s ears, eyes, and teeth during grooming sessions is crucial, as these areas can be prone to infection if not properly maintained.

Living with a Pumi

The Pumi can adapt to a variety of living situations, but there are several factors that potential caretakers should consider for providing a harmonious living environment. Since these energetic dogs are well-suited to active households, they like to be part of daily activities.

In terms of apartment living, Pumik can adapt well as long as their exercise needs are met. They are relatively small dogs, but their high energy levels mean they require plenty of physical activity and mental stimulation. Providing them with enough exercise and activities to keep them engaged is crucial, regardless of the size of the living space.

Pumik have a decent tolerance of cold weather, thanks to their thick, curly coat. However, like all dogs, they should not be left outside in extreme weather conditions for extended periods. Providing them with appropriate shelter and warmth during colder months is essential.

On the other hand, Pumik have a moderate tolerance of hot weather. Caretakers should make sure the dogs have access to shade and fresh water during warmer weather and intense physical activity should be avoided.

Pumi Puppies

The arrival of Pumi puppies is a delightful experience, one that is filled with joy and excitement. These lively and intelligent pups are always eager to learn and will bond closely with their human companions. From the moment they are born, they exhibit their breed’s curious and playful nature, eager to explore their surroundings and interact with their mother and siblings.

Caring for a Pumi Puppy

Caring for a Pumi puppy requires attention to the pup’s physical and developmental needs. Providing proper nutrition is paramount, as the little one will grow rapidly and require a balanced diet to support its development. It is crucial to provide a puppy-specific food early on that caters to the pup’s unique nutritional requirements.

Socialization plays a vital role in the development of a Pumi puppy too. Exposing the pup to various people, environments, and other animals helps to shape its behavior and temperament, helping to become well-rounded and adaptable as an adult. Positive interactions and the use of treats and praise can help to reinforce good behavior.

The Pumi puppy has bundles of energy and needs ample playtime and exercise to release it. However, it is important to remember that the pup’s bones and joints are still developing, so activities should be age-appropriate and not too strenuous. Interactive games and short, supervised play sessions are excellent ways to burn off energy while preventing injury.

Potty training and basic obedience training should start early. Pumik are intelligent and quick learners, but they also have an independent streak. Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key in shaping a puppy’s behavior and making sure it grows up to become a well-behaved companion.

Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial during this developmental stage. They will ensure the puppy is growing correctly and they allow opportunities to address any potential health issues early on.

Pumi Activities & Dog Sports

The Pumi is a highly energetic and intelligent dog that excels in various activities. The breed’s agility, stamina, and eagerness to learn can make these dogs fantastic candidates for competitive events, as well as enjoyable companions for active families. Below is a list of dog sports that are well-suited for this breed:

  • Agility Trials: The Pumi’s agile nature makes it an outstanding competitor at Agility Trials, a sport that involves navigating a timed obstacle course.
  • Obedience Trials: Pumik respond well to training, and competitive Obedience Trials showcase their ability to follow commands accurately and promptly.
  • Herding Trials: Originally bred as a herding dog, the Pumi has a natural instinct for this type of work, making it an excellent participant in Herding Trials.
  • Flyball: This relay race involves teams of dogs jumping over hurdles, triggering a spring-loaded box that releases a tennis ball which they catch and take back to their handler. The Pumi’s speed and agility makes it a great contender for Flyball.
  • Barn Hunt: In this sport, dogs navigate a straw bale maze to find and signal the location of a hidden rat (safely enclosed in a secure tube). The Pumi’s keen sense of smell and love of the chase make it a natural these events.
  • Rally Obedience: This sport combines elements of Obedience and Agility, with dogs navigating a course of numbered signs that display commands they need to perform. This breed can excel in Rally-O due to its intelligence and trainability.
  • Tracking: Pumik can use their strong sense of smell in Tracking, where they follow a scent trail to locate hidden objects.
  • Fast CAT: Though Lure Coursing is a traditional sport for sighthounds, Fast CAT gives all dogs the opportunity to chase a mechanically operated lure. Many Pumik enjoy this high-speed chase.
  • Conformation: The Pumi is sometimes a participant in Conformation dog shows, where the breed’s physical characteristics, movement, and temperament are assessed according to the Breed Standard.

Engaging a Pumi in these and other activities provides not only physical exercise but also mental stimulation, helping a Pumi to release energy and find contentment. The versatility and enthusiasm of the breed make it a joy to work with in a wide variety of canine sports and doggy activities.

Group Classification & Standards

The Pumi is recognized by the world’s leading registries and kennel organizations, which categorize the breed into a specific Group based on its unique characteristics. This breed is recognized worldwide under the following Group designations:

International Organizations

Organization Group Designation
AKC (American Kennel Club) Herding
UKC (United Kennel Club) Herding Dog
CKC (Canadian Kennel Club) Not Recognized
ANKC (Australian National Kennel Council) Working Dogs
RKC (The Royal Kennel Club) Pastoral
FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) Group 1: Sheepdogs and Cattledogs; Section 1: Sheepdog

The ideal Pumi is described by a Breed Standard that is approved by each of the world’s leading registries and kennel organizations. The Breed Standards for this breed may be found in the following links:

Breed Standards

Organization Breed Standard
American Kennel Club AKC Pumi Breed Standard
United Kennel Club UKC Pumi Breed Standard
Canadian Kennel Club Not Recognized
Australian National Kennel Council ANKC Pumi Breed Standard
The Royal Kennel Club RKC Pumi Breed Standard
Fédération Cynologique Internationale FCI Pumi Breed Standard

Pumi Clubs

The Pumi is supported by a variety of breed clubs and organizations that are dedicated to preserving its rich heritage, promoting responsible breeding practices ,and providing resources for owners of these energetic dogs. The clubs often host events and provide educational materials as they foster a community of enthusiasts devoted to this unique breed.

In the United States, the Pumi is represented by the Hungarian Pumi Club of America. This organization works diligently to uphold the breed’s written Standard, encourage responsible breeding practices, and provide support for Pumi owners across the country.

In the United Kingdom, the Pumi community is represented by the Hungarian Pumi Club UK. This club is dedicated to the promotion, welfare, and improvement of Pumik in the UK. Its members provide support to owners, breeders, and enthusiasts, host breed-specific events, and offer resources on the breed’s health, training, and general care.

It is important for Pumi owners and those who are interested in the breed to connect with these organizations, as their members can provide invaluable support and important information, as well as a dedicated community of like-minded individuals who care about the well-being of this Hungarian breed.

Pumi Rescue Groups

A Pumi can occasionally find itself in need of rescue and rehoming. In such cases, various volunteer groups are at-the-ready to step in to provide assistance for the dogs, ensuring they find their forever homes.

In the United States, the Hungarian Pumi Club of America plays a significant role in rescue efforts for Pumik. The club not only advocates for the breed, it also works diligently to assist any Pumi in need. Its volunteers help to connect rescued Pumik with potential adopters and to provide resources that support successful transitions.

In the United Kingdom, the Hungarian Pumi Club UK can be a valuable resource for individuals looking to adopt a Pumi. The club’s members can provide guidance, support, and potential help for connecting adopters with Pumik in need of a new home.

Additionally, there is a wide range of herding breed rescue groups and all-breed rescues that could have a Pumi that is looking for a new home. Prospective owners are encouraged to reach out to these organizations to learn more about the specific dog that needs fostering or adoption.

Pumi Facts

  • Origin: The Pumi (pronounced “poo-mee”) originated in Hungary, where it was primarily used for herding cattle and sheep. Its agile and energetic nature made it exceptionally good at navigating the hilly terrain of its homeland.
  • Breed Recognition: The American Kennel Club officially recognized the Pumi in 2016, categorizing it in the Herding Group.
  • Intelligence: Pumik are highly intelligent and quick learners, making these dogs excellent candidates for all kinds of training and dog sports. However, their intelligence also means they require mental stimulation to prevent boredom and the poor behavior that usually results.
  • Vocal Nature: The Pumi is known to be a vocal breed, often using its voice to communicate with its handlers. This trait made these dogs excellent herders, as they easily alert their shepherds to any issues with the livestock.
  • Affectionate Companions: Despite the breed’s working background, Pumik are very affectionate and enjoy spending time with their human families. They form strong bonds with their owners and can be quite loyal to each family member

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Does the Pumi shed?

The Pumi has a curly and dense coat that requires regular grooming to maintain its texture and prevent matting. While these dogs do shed, the amount of loose hair is considerably less than that many other breeds, thanks to the breed’s unique coat characteristics. Shed hairs tend to get caught in the curly coat, necessitating regular brushing to remove them.

Is the Pumi hypoallergenic?

No dog breed is completely hypoallergenic, but the Pumi is considered to be a better option for individuals with allergies. The breed’s curly coat produces less dander than breeds with straight hair, and this can contribute to fewer allergic reactions. However, to be sure a person with allergies can tolerate the breed, it is crucial to spend time around Pumik before deciding to bring one into the home.

Is the Pumi a rare breed?

The Pumi is considered a rare breed, especially outside its native Hungary. While the breed’s popularity has been growing, particularly since its recognition by the American Kennel Club in 2016, it is still a breed that is not commonly encountered. The rarity of the Pumi contributes to the uniqueness of owning one, but it also means potential caretakers may have to search longer to find a reputable breeder.

Is the Pumi good with kids?

Pumik are known for their energetic and playful nature, making them good companions for families with children. However, as with any dog, it is crucial to teach both the kids and the dog how to have respectful and safe interactions. Proper socialization and training can help with supporting a positive relationship between a Pumi and its favorite children.

Is the Pumi smart?

The Pumi is highly intelligent and a quick learner, which makes these dogs responsive to training and eager to please their human companions. Their intelligence, combined with their agility, makes them excellent participants in a variety canine sports and activities. However, their smarts can also mean they require mental stimulation to prevent boredom and promote good behavior.

Does the Pumi bark a lot?

Pumik have a vocal nature and are known to be quite expressive with their voice. They were bred as herding dogs, using their voice to control and direct livestock, so while their vocalizations can be managed with proper training, potential owners should be prepared for a dog that is inclined to express itself through barking.

Is the Pumi a good family dog?

The Pumi can make a wonderful family companion, bonding closely with its human family and thriving in a home environment. These dogs typically enjoy being involved in family activities and have a playful, affectionate nature. However, they do require consistent training, exercise, and mental stimulation to ensure they are well-behaved and happy members of the family.

Is the Pumi a good Service Dog?

Pumik have the intelligence and trainability that can make them suitable for certain types of service work. However, their small to medium size and their vocal nature may limit the types of service roles they can fill. As with any breed considered for life as a Service Dog, an individual’s temperament and the specific needs of the person requiring assistance are paramount in determining a dog’s suitability for the role.

Is the Pumi a good hunting dog?

The Pumi was primarily bred for herding rather than for hunting, so its natural instincts align more with controlling and moving livestock. While these dogs do have a keen sense of awareness and agility, they do not possess the typical traits sought after in a hunting dog. Therefore, they may not be the best choice for individuals looking for a companion in the field.

Can a Pumi be left home alone all day?

Pumik are social animals that form strong bonds with their families, and they thrive in environments where they are included in daily activities. Leaving a Pumi alone for extended periods can lead to boredom and potential behavioral issues. If an owner’s lifestyle requires leaving the dog alone for long periods, it’s essential to provide sufficient exercise and mental stimulation, and possibly arranging for a dog walker or pet sitter.

Is the Pumi high or low maintenance?

In terms of grooming, the Pumi requires regular maintenance to keep the curly coat in good condition. This includes regular brushing, to prevent matting, and occasional trimming. These dogs also have high energy levels and require ample exercise as well as mental stimulation. While they are not the highest maintenance breed, they certainly require a committed caretaker who can meet their grooming and activity needs.

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Find a Breeder or Rescue

The best way to ensure a long and happy relationship with a purebred dog is to purchase one from a responsible breeder. Not sure where to begin?

Contact the National Parent Club’s Breeder Referral Program, which is listed on the AKC Breeder Referral Contacts page.

Find a Pumi Puppy
Find a Breeder or Rescue