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Clumber Spaniel Dog Breed

About the Clumber Spaniel

The Clumber Spaniel, originating from the United Kingdom, is a breed that exudes a sense of nobility and grace. Recognized for its distinctive, heavy-set frame and gentle demeanor, the Clumber holds a special place in the hearts of many, serving as both a diligent worker and a loyal and affectionate companion.

AKC Group

AKC Group


Dog Breed Height


17-20 Inches

Dog Breed Weight


55-85 Pounds

Dog Breed Lifespan


10-12 Years

History of the Clumber Spaniel

The Clumber Spaniel, characterized by its distinctive appearance and affable nature, boasts a rich history that traces back to the 18th century.

Originating from the United Kingdom, specifically in the region of Nottinghamshire, the breed takes its name from Clumber Park, the estate of the Duke of Newcastle. It is believed that the Clumber Spaniel was developed by crossing older breeds of Alpine Spaniels with Basset Hounds and perhaps other breeds. This mix resulted in a dog with a sturdy build, keen nose, and a calm temperament, making it an ideal companion for hunting in dense terrains.

Unlike the more sprightly spaniels, the Clumber was designed for deliberate and methodical work in the field, often being used to push through thick underbrush in pursuit of game. Its strength and persistence made it a favorite among nobility, including Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s consort, who took a keen interest in the breed.

In terms of official recognition, the Clumber Spaniel’s prominence in England led to its early acknowledgment by The Royal Kennel Club (UK). The breed made its way across the Atlantic early on, and by the late 19th century it was one of the first breeds to be recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) also recognizes the breed, further cementing its standing in the international canine community.

Over the years, the breed’s role shifted from primarily being a hunting companion to that of a beloved family pet. Its gentle demeanor, combined with its distinctive looks, ensures its continued popularity, even if it’s not as commonly seen in the field today.

The legacy of the breed is a testament to its adaptability and charm. From the sprawling estates of English nobility to modern homes around the world, the breed’s history is as rich and varied as its character.

General Appearance

Height & Weight

Males typically stand between 18 to 20 inches at the shoulder, while females measure around 17 to 19 inches.

In terms of weight, males usually fall within the range of 70 to 85 pounds, whereas females tend to weigh between 55 to 70 pounds. These metrics underscore the breed’s robust nature, with a physique that’s both balanced and commanding.

Proportion & Substance

The Clumber Spaniel’s body is long and low, with a deep chest. This rectangular silhouette gives the breed its unique appearance, differentiating it from other spaniels. It has a substantial bone structure, emphasizing its strength and endurance capabilities. Despite its heavy-set form, the breed moves with surprising fluidity and grace, a testament to its well-balanced proportions.

Coat Texture, Colors & Markings

Texture: The Clumber Spaniel’s coat is dense and straight, offering protection in harsh environments and inclement weather. The breed’s coat is primarily characterized by its soft-to-the-touch texture, but it is also remarkably resilient, ensuring minimal tangling when the dog moves through dense underbrush.

Clumber Spaniel Colors:

  • White

Clumber Spaniel Markings

Standard Marking
Lemon Markings ee
Orange Markings ee

A Note About Color: Facial markings can appear around one or both eyes, as freckling on the muzzle and/or legs, and as a spot on the top of the head, and/or a spot at the base of the tail. Markings on the body are discouraged.


  • Skull: The breed’s skull is broad, with a pronounced occipital protuberance. It is well-proportioned, giving the breed its unique, slightly furrowed appearance.
  • Expression: The breed’s expression is soft and melancholic, which, combined with deep-set eyes, portrays a thoughtful and intelligent demeanor.
  • Eyes: Large and dark amber in color, the eyes of a Clumber are set deep and well apart, giving the breed its unique and endearing gaze.
  • Ears: The ears are set low and at eye level, hanging in elegant folds close to the head. They are covered in dense hair, adding to the breed’s distinct appearance.
  • Muzzle: The muzzle is deep and well-developed, leading to a powerful jaw. The breed’s square nose endows it with an air of nobility.
  • Nose: The nose is large and square, always of a dark color, which stands in contrast to the primarily white coat.
  • Bite: The breed possesses a scissors bite, where the upper incisors closely overlap the lower incisors, ensuring a strong and effective hold on everything from birds to tennis balls.

A close-up photo of the Clumber Spaniel head.


The Clumber’s tail is set low, complementing the breed’s relaxed demeanor. It is thick at the base and tapers towards the end, a perfect counterpart to the robust nature of the breed. When the dog is at rest, the tail hangs naturally; however, when in motion or alert, it is carried level with the back but not much above it. The tail adds to the breed’s rather dignified appearance and serves as a barometer of its mood.

While Clumber Spaniels have traditionally had their tails docked, the practice has decreased in popularity, and many are now left undocked, allowing the full, feathery length of the tail to be displayed.

The Clumber Spaniel – What to Consider?

The decision to own a Clumber Spaniel, as with any breed, comes with a unique set of considerations. Their regal appearance of the breed, combined with its somewhat calm disposition, makes the Clumber an appealing choice for many. Prospective owners, however, should be mindful of the breed’s specific needs and characteristics.

Home Life

Interaction With Family

The level of affection a breed typically shows towards family members and familiar individuals will vary. While some breeds may only show genuine warmth towards their owner, remaining standoffish with strangers, other breeds will treat everyone they meet as if they are their closest friend.
Independent Affectionate

Good With Other Dogs

The innate friendliness of a dog towards other dogs can depend on its breed. Although supervision is always recommended during introductions, certain breeds tend to be inherently more or less sociable with other dogs, whether in a home setting or in public spaces.
Not Recommended Reliable With Other Dogs

Good With Young Children

The degree to which a breed will typically be patient with young children, and its overall suitability as a family member, will vary. It is important to always supervise interactions between dogs and the kids in the house, as well as with children who are not accustomed to being around dogs.
Not Recommended Dependable With Children


Amount Of Shedding

The amount of hair that a dog sheds will typically depend on its breed. Heavy-shedding breeds require more frequent brushing, have a higher chance of activating specific allergies, and often necessitate more frequent use of the vacuum cleaner and lint rollers.
Low High

Frequency Of Grooming

The regularity with which a breed needs bathing, brushing, trimming, or other forms of coat care is an all-important consideration. When evaluating the grooming effort required, consider your available time, patience, and budget. It is important to note that all breeds need routine ear, teeth, and nail care.
Monthly Daily

Amount Of Drooling

The tendency of a breed to drool significantly varies from breed to breed. For those who prefer cleanliness or are particular about keeping things tidy, breeds that are likely to leave trails of drool on your arm or large slobbery marks on your clothing and furniture might not be the best fit.
Low High

Coat Type


Coat Length




Trainability Level

The ease with which a dog can be trained and its eagerness to learn new skills can depend on the breed. Some breeds are naturally inclined to please their owners and will readily accept training, while others tend to follow their own desires, often showing independence in how, when, and where they choose to do things.
Stubborn Eager

Barking Level

The frequency of vocalization, including barking and howling, will vary from breed to breed. Some may bark at each person who passes by and every bird in the sky, while others will typically bark only for a good reason. Additionally, a few breeds that do not typically bark will still be vocal, using different sounds to communicate.
Quiet Vocal

Energy Level

The level of physical exercise and mental engagement required will depend on the breed. High-energy breeds are always on the go. They are enthusiastic about their next activity and tend to be busy most of the time, running, jumping, and playing throughout the day. In contrast, low-energy breeds are akin to couch potatoes, content to just lounge around and take naps throughout the day.
Couch Potato Busybody

Need For Mental Stimulation

The extent of mental stimulation needed to keep a dog content and healthy will vary by breed. Dogs bred for specific purposes may need tasks involving decision-making, problem-solving, and concentration. Without sufficient mental exercise, these dogs can resort to creating their own activities to engage their minds, resulting in unwanted behaviors like chewing, digging, and escaping.
Minimal Engagement Intensive Interaction

Clumber Spaniel Health

The Clumber Spaniel, with its robust frame and genial demeanor, generally boasts good health. However, as with all dogs, individuals of this breed can be predisposed to certain health issues. Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial to ensure that the Clumber is maintaining optimal health and to catch potential concerns early on.

Lifespan: On average, Clumber Spaniels have a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years. Proper care, nutrition, and regular health monitoring can contribute to a longer, healthier life for this playful and loving companion.

Potential Health Risks

Clumber Spaniels, like all dog breeds and mixed breeds, have certain health concerns to which they may be more predisposed. Some of the most commonly observed health issues include:

  • Hip Dysplasia: This is a condition where the thigh bone doesn’t fit snugly into the hip joint, leading to arthritis, pain, and lameness.
  • Entropion: A condition where the eyelid rolls inward, this causes irritation to the eyeball and may require corrective surgery.
  • Ear Infections: Due to their pendant ears, they can be prone to ear infections.
  • Intervertebral Disk Disease: This is a condition affecting the spine, causing pain, nerve damage, and sometimes, paralysis.
  • Obesity: Clumber Spaniels love their food, and without proper portion control and regular exercise they can easily become overweight, leading to other health issues.

In light of these potential health concerns, it’s essential for owners to be proactive. Regular veterinary visits, ideally twice a year, can help to catch and address issues before they become problematic. Routine screenings, especially for any conditions to which the breed may be predisposed, can be crucial towards ensuring a dog’s long-term health and overall well-being.

Clumber Spaniel Personality

The Clumber Spaniel, with its calm and dignified demeanor, has been known to capture many unsuspecting hearts. For novice dog owners looking for a loyal companion, the Clumber Spaniel is an excellent choice due to its docile and patient temperament. The breed’s eagerness to please and relative ease of training can quickly build a deep bond between any dog and its people.

One of the defining characteristics of the Clumber Spaniel is its sensitivity. These dogs form close bonds with their human families, and sudden changes in their environment or daily routine might may unsettle them. Thus, it’s beneficial to introduce them to new situations or surroundings with care and patience.

While the Clumber Spaniel cherishes companionship and thrives in the company of its family, it can also tolerate being alone for a short time. However, extended periods of isolation aren’t advisable, as this can lead to feelings of loneliness or anxiety in the dog.

In households with other pets, the Clumber Spaniel typically gets along well with others, showcasing its non-aggressive and affable nature. This amicable trait extends to human interactions as well; Clumbers tend to be good with young children, making them excellent family pets. Of course, interactions between dogs and young children should always be supervised for safety.

When it comes to strangers, the Clumber Spaniel might exhibit initial reservation but will usually warm up if given a bit of time, reflecting the generally friendly disposition of the breed.

Overall, while the Clumber Spaniel has a range of typical breed characteristics, it’s essential to remember that individual dogs will have unique personalities shaped by their experiences, training, and socialization.

Clumber Spaniel Feeding & Nutrition

Understanding the dietary needs of a Clumber Spaniel is vital for its overall health and well-being. This breed, characterized by its robust build and rather calm energy, has specific nutritional requirements that evolve as it transitions from a puppy to an adult.

When it comes to feeding a Clumber Spaniel puppy, a diet rich in essential nutrients that support bone and muscle development is imperative. Puppy-specific formulas, often dense in calories and nutrients, are recommended. The exact amount of food will depend on the puppy’s age, weight, and activity level, but it’s essential to divide the daily portion into multiple meals to support the pup’s rapid growth and metabolism.

As the Clumber Spaniel matures into adulthood, its nutritional needs shift. An adult Clumber’s diet should be balanced, containing the right proportions of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. On average, a mature dog might require 1.5 to 2 cups of high-quality dry dog food daily, divided into two meals. However, individual needs can vary based on the individual’s age, weight, activity level, and overall health.

It’s worth noting that Clumber Spaniels have a notorious love for food, which, if not monitored, can lead to obesity. Ensuring the right portion sizes (and resisting those pleading eyes during meal times) is crucial to maintain a dog’s optimal weight.

Regular vet check-ups and discussions about your Clumber Spaniel’s dietary needs will provide guidance on the best food choices and portion sizes tailored to each dog’s unique requirements.

Clumber Spaniel Training

Training a Clumber Spaniel can be a rewarding experience, given the breed’s eager-to-please nature and its generally affable disposition. Historically bred as hunting dogs, Clumbers come with an innate intelligence, which, when paired with consistent training techniques, can make them well-behaved companions.

The Clumber Spaniel’s trainability is generally high, making the breed adaptable to various training methods. However, the calm and sometimes stubborn demeanor of the breed means that patience is essential during training sessions. Positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, usually yield the best results.

While they are not known to be excessive barkers, it’s crucial to train a Clumber Spaniel from a young age so the dog understands when barking is appropriate and when it’s not. Unwanted vocal behavior can be influenced by the environment, various stimuli, or even boredom.

When considering their intelligence, Clumber Spaniels can quickly grasp new commands and routines. However, as with all breeds, consistency in training is key. Regular sessions that challenge their mental faculties can help in keeping them engaged and active.

Wanderlust isn’t a prominent trait in the Clumber Spaniel, but it’s still essential to ensure that the dog’s yard is securely fenced or that they’re on-leash during walks. The breed’s hunting lineage can sometimes spark a chase instinct, especially if an intriguing scent is picked up.

Lastly, while the Clumber Spaniel’s hunting instincts may not be as strong as those of some other breeds, the predation drive can still exist. This means that Clumbers might be inclined to chase smaller animals. Early socialization, and introducing them to various environments and animals, can help in curbing this instinct.

Clumber Spaniel Exercise

The Clumber Spaniel, with its calm and composed demeanor, might give the impression of a laid-back companion, but these dogs have a moderate energy level that nonetheless necessitates regular exercise to keep them physically and mentally stimulated.

Exercise Expectations

Energy Level Moderate
Exercise Requirements 30 Minutes/Day, Daily Walks, Regular Exercise, Playing with Another Dog, Mental Stimulation

While Clumber Spaniels don’t require the same intense exercise regimens as some high-energy breeds, they benefit significantly from daily walks, play sessions, and interactive activities. A couple of short-to-moderate-length walks each day, paired with some playtime in a secure yard, usually suffices to keep them content and healthy.

The intensity of the exercise should align with the Clumber Spaniel’s own pace. Leisurely strolls, rather than high-speed runs, demonstrate just how excellent these dogs can be as companions during relaxed walks in the park or around the neighborhood.

Playfulness is another characteristic of the Clumber. Engaging these dogs in a game of fetch or with interactive toys can be a delightful way to bond with this breed while ensuring they get the exercise they need. However, due to the breed’s somewhat heavier build and potential for joint issues, it’s essential to monitor the intensity of play, especially on harder surfaces.

It’s also worth noting that Clumber Spaniels can be prone to weight gain, especially if they aren’t provided with adequate exercise. Maintaining a consistent exercise routine, combined with a balanced diet, is crucial to ensure they remain at a healthy weight.

Clumber Spaniel Grooming

Attending to the grooming needs of a Clumber Spaniel is an essential aspect of its care. The breed’s dense, straight coat, characterized by its soft texture and feathering on the legs and belly as well as its neck frill, requires regular attention to keep it looking its best and ensuring the dog’s comfort.

Grooming Expectations

Coat Type Dense, Straight, Flat, Soft
Grooming Requirements Daily Combing, Weekly Brushing, Occasional Bathing, Routine Ear Cleaning, Periodic Nail Trimming, Regular Tooth Brushing

Though the Clumber isn’t a heavy shedder like some other breeds, the breed does shed throughout the year, with increased shedding during seasonal changes. To manage this and reduce the amount of hair around the house, it’s advisable to brush the coat several times a week. Regular brushing not only helps in removing loose hairs, it also prevents the formation of mats and tangles, especially in the feathering.

When it comes to bathing, the Clumber Spaniel doesn’t require frequent baths unless it gets particularly dirty. However, due to the breed’s love for outdoor activities and its close-to-the-ground build, they can pick up dirt more easily than some other breeds. A monthly bath, or as needed, with a gentle dog shampoo can help in keeping the dog’s coat clean and smelling fresh.

It’s also important to remember other grooming essentials, such as nail trimming, ear cleaning, and dental care. Regularly checking and cleaning the Clumber Spaniel’s ears can prevent infections, and maintaining oral health through regular brushing or with dental chews can keep dental issues at bay.

Living with a Clumber Spaniel

Adapting your home environment to accommodate a Clumber Spaniel ensures that both the dog and the family enjoy a harmonious and comfortable life together. The Clumber’s gentle and laid-back nature often makes it a versatile fit for various living conditions, but understanding the breed’s specific needs is crucial.

Despite their calm disposition, Clumber Spaniels are relatively large dogs, and while they can adjust to apartment living, they’ll still require ample space to move around comfortably. If the dog is expected to live in an apartment or a home without a yard, it is important to ensure that regular walks and outings are provided to compensate for the lack of open space.

Climate can also play a role in the comfort of a Clumber Spaniel. The breed’s dense coat makes it more suited for cooler weather, offering some protection against the cold. However, in hot or humid conditions, Clumbers can become uncomfortable or even face health risks. During warmer months, it’s crucial to provide plenty of water and shaded areas, and to avoid strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day. Additionally, indoor air conditioning or fans can help to keep them cool.

While Clumber Spaniels are amiable and can adapt to various living situations, it’s also important to consider their potential for shedding and drooling. Regular grooming, as mentioned, can help to manage shedding, but having cleaning tools on hand can be beneficial. Given their tendency to drool, especially after drinking or when they’re hot, having towels or wipes handy can help to maintain cleanliness around the home.

In essence, living with a Clumber Spaniel is a rewarding experience. The breed’s calm and affectionate nature makes it a wonderful companion in many situations. Ensuring that the dog’s living environment caters to its specific needs will guarantee a happy and healthy life for any Clumber.

Clumber Spaniel Puppies

The arrival of Clumber Spaniel puppies is a joyous occasion, marked by curious eyes and playful antics. These little bundles of joy, though calm and composed for the most part, bring with them a unique set of needs that differs from their adult counterparts. Understanding these needs is fundamental to raising a healthy and well-adjusted Clumber.

Caring for a Clumber Spaniel Puppy

In the initial weeks after birth, Clumber Spaniel puppies rely heavily on their mother for nutrition and warmth. As they grow and start exploring their environment, the pups become more active and their dietary needs change. Introducing high-quality puppy food at the recommended age ensures they will receive the essential nutrients for optimal growth and development.

Socialization is another vital aspect of raising Clumber Spaniel puppies. Early exposure to different people, animals, and environments helps with shaping their temperament and reduces the chances of fear or anxious behavior in adulthood. Gentle handling and positive experiences during this period can have lasting benefits.

Ensuring a safe environment for these puppies is crucial, since their curious nature might lead them to explore areas that may not be safe. Puppy-proofing the home by removing small objects that can be swallowed, securing trash bins, and setting up safe play areas can prevent unfortunate accidents from occuring.

Routine veterinary check-ups are essential in the early stages of a Clumber Spaniel’s life. Vaccinations, deworming, and general health assessments ensure that the puppy is on the right track health-wise. It’s also an opportunity to seek advice on feeding, training, and any concerns that may be specific to the breed.

Lastly, introducing basic training commands and housebreaking routines early on can lay the foundation for a well-behaved adult Clumber Spaniel. Positive reinforcement techniques, patience, and consistency play a significant role in this important process.

Clumber Spaniel Activities & Dog Sports

The Clumber Spaniel’s history as a working gundog and its natural inclination towards certain activities make it suitable for a variety of dog sports and activities. While the breed may not possess the same high-energy drive as some others, the Clumber’s determination and willingness to please can make this dog a stand-out in various disciplines.

  • Tracking: Given their background as hunting dogs, Clumber Spaniels have a natural aptitude for tracking. Engaging them in Tracking events taps into their inherent instincts and offers both mental and physical stimulation.
  • Rally Obedience: This sport involves the dog and handler navigating a course with different stations, each requiring a specific command or behavior. Clumber Spaniels can excel in Rally-O due to their keenness to work alongside their human partners.
  • Obedience Trials: Their desire to please and their natural intelligence make Clumber Spaniels good candidates for Obedience Trials. These events assess a dog’s ability to perform a series of commands and behaviors in a precise manner that is scored by a judge.
  • Hunt Tests: Given the Clumber Spaniel’s origin as a hunting companion, these dogs can participate in Hunt Tests, where their skills in locating, flushing, and retrieving game are evaluated.
  • Agility: While they might not be the fastest or most agile breed, Clumber Spaniels can still enjoy and participate in Agility Trials, navigating through obstacle courses with guidance from their handlers.
  • Conformation Shows: Being a recognized breed with its own standard of perfection, Clumber Spaniels often participate successfully in Conformation Shows. These popular events evaluate how well an individual dog conforms to a written Breed Standard.

In addition to these structured activities, Clumber Spaniels also appreciate casual play sessions, fetch games, and leisurely walks through town or out in nature. Engaging them in a mix of organized dog sports and relaxed activities can contribute to their overall well-being and deepen the bond shared between the dogs and their favorite people.

Group Classification & Standards

The Clumber Spaniel is recognized by the world’s leading registries and kennel organizations, which categorize the breed into a specific Group based on its unique characteristics. This breed is recognized worldwide under the following Group designations:

International Organizations

Organization Group Designation
AKC (American Kennel Club) Sporting
UKC (United Kennel Club) Gun Dog
CKC (Canadian Kennel Club) Sporting Dogs
ANKC (Australian National Kennel Council) Gundogs
RKC (The Royal Kennel Club) Gundog
FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) Group 8 – Retrievers – Flushing Dogs – Water Dogs ; Section 2

The ideal Clumber Spaniel is described by a Breed Standard that is approved by each of the world’s leading registries and kennel organizations. The Breed Standards for this breed may be found in the following links:

Breed Standards

Organization Breed Standard
American Kennel Club AKC Clumber Spaniel Breed Standard
United Kennel Club UKC Clumber Spaniel Breed Standard
Canadian Kennel Club CKC Clumber Spaniel Breed Standard
Australian National Kennel Council ANKC Clumber Spaniel Breed Standard
The Royal Kennel Club RKC Clumber Spaniel Breed Standard
Fédération Cynologique Internationale FCI Clumber Spaniel Breed Standard

Clumber Spaniel Clubs

The world of purebred dogs is enhanced and preserved by the dedicated efforts of breed clubs. These clubs are established to advocate for the breed, promote responsible breeding, provide education, and organize events. For the Clumber Spaniel, there are several notable breed clubs in various countries that work tirelessly to uphold the breed’s integrity and heritage.

In the United States, the primary organization dedicated to Clumber Spaniels is the Clumber Spaniel Club of America (CSCA). Established in 1972, the CSCA offers a wealth of resources for both prospective and current Clumber Spaniel owners. The club hosts social and competitive events, provides meaningful education, and supports responsible breeding practices.

In Canada, the Clumber Spaniel Club of Canada (CSCC) stands out as a primary organization devoted to the breed. Deeply committed to ensuring the well-being of Clumber Spaniels within the country, the CSCC offers an array of resources, from rescue services to breed-specific events and guidance.

In the United Kingdom, the Clumber Spaniel Club (CSC) stands as one of the oldest organizations for the breed, having been established in 1906. With over a century of experience and dedication, the CSC has played a pivotal role in shaping the breed’s written Standard and has provided invaluable support to Clumber Spaniel enthusiasts throughout the UK.

Each of these clubs, among others worldwide, act as pillars of support, knowledge, and advocacy for the Clumber Spaniel. Whether someone is looking to learn more, adopt, or even participate in breed-specific events, reaching out to these organizations can be a great starting point.

Clumber Spaniel Rescue Groups

The importance of rescue groups in the canine world cannot be overstated. These organizations often step in to provide care, rehabilitation, and new homes for dogs that may have been abandoned, mistreated, or can no longer be cared for by their original owners.

In the US, there are rescue services often linked with or endorsed by AKC “parent clubs” such as the Clumber Spaniel Club of America. The organization’s volunteers work tirelessly to rehabilitate and rehome Clumber Spaniels in need, ensuring the dogs are placed in environments that understand and appreciate the breed’s unique characteristics.

The Clumber Spaniel Club of Canada (CSCC) often provides resources or connections to rescue services tailored for Clumbers within Canada. The group is dedicated to the welfare of the breed and acts as a valuable resource for those looking to adopt a Clumber Spaniel in need.

In the United Kingdom, various breed-specific rescue groups and general spaniel rescue organizations occasionally have a Clumber available for adoption. Collaborating with organizations such as the Clumber Spaniel Club, these rescue organizations prioritize the well-being and proper placement of each dog.

Clumber Spaniel Facts

  • Royal Affection: Clumber Spaniels found favor with the British monarchy, particularly with Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s consort. The breed’s royal association brought it a significant amount of attention.
  • Scent Masters: Clumber Spaniels possess an extraordinary sense of smell, rivaling even that of the famed Bloodhound. This acute olfactory ability has made them particularly skilled hunting companions.
  • Named After Estate: The breed gets its name from Clumber Park, a sprawling estate in Nottinghamshire, England. This estate was the home of the Duke of Newcastle, who played a key role in the breed’s development.
  • Notorious Shedders: While Clumber Spaniels have a charming appearance, they are known to be prolific shedders. Their thick coat requires regular grooming to keep it in top condition.
  • Laid-Back Nature: Unlike many other spaniels, Clumber Spaniels are renowned for their relaxed and somewhat sedate demeanor, making them well-suited for easygoing families and more quiet households.
  • Rare Breed: Clumber Spaniels are not as commonly found as some other breeds, earning them a spot on the list of Vulnerable Native Breeds in the UK due to their low registration numbers.
  • A Weighty Spaniel: Among the various spaniel breeds, Clumber Spaniels stand out as the heaviest, with some males reaching weights of up to 85 pounds.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do Clumber Spaniels shed?

Yes, Clumber Spaniels are known to shed quite profusely. They have a dense, weather-resistant coat that requires regular grooming to keep it healthy and to reduce the amount of loose hair. Brushing them several times a week can help to manage the shedding and keep the coat looking its best.

How long do Clumber Spaniels live?

Clumber Spaniels typically have a lifespan of 10 to 12 years. Like all breeds, their longevity can be influenced by genetics, diet, exercise, and regular veterinary care. Ensuring they have a balanced lifestyle and are kept in good health can contribute to their longevity.

Are Clumber Spaniels good with cats?

Clumber Spaniels are generally known for their gentle and laid-back demeanor. While they can get along well with cats, especially if raised together from a young age, individual temperaments can vary. As with any breed, it’s essential to make introductions slowly and under controlled conditions to ensure a harmonious relationship.

Are Clumber Spaniels hypoallergenic?

No, Clumber Spaniels are not considered hypoallergenic. They shed regularly, and their dander can be a trigger for those with allergies. If allergies are a concern, it’s essential to spend time around the breed before making a commitment to be sure it’s a suitable choice.

Are Clumber Spaniels rare?

Yes, Clumber Spaniels are not as commonly found as some other breeds. In fact, they are listed among the Vulnerable Native Breeds in the UK due to their low registration numbers. Their unique appearance and characteristics, however, have garnered them a dedicated following of enthusiasts.

Do Clumber Spaniels bark a lot?

Clumber Spaniels are not known to be excessive barkers. They might alert-bark if there’s something unusual, but they typically aren’t yappy dogs. However, individual dogs can have their own unique behaviors, so training and socialization are crucial to manage any undesirable habits.

Do Clumber Spaniels drool?

Yes, Clumber Spaniels are known to drool, especially around meal times or when they’re excited. This drooling tendency is something potential owners should be aware of. Keeping a cloth or towel handy can help to manage any excess slobber.

How active is a Clumber Spaniel?

Clumber Spaniels are moderately active dogs. While they enjoy walks and playtime, they are also quite content with lounging around the house. Despite their relatively calm demeanor, regular exercise is essential to keep them healthy and to prevent obesity.

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The best way to ensure a long and happy relationship with a purebred dog is to purchase one from a responsible breeder. Not sure where to begin?

Contact the National Parent Club’s Breeder Referral Program, which is listed on the AKC Breeder Referral Contacts page.

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