A Blast From the Past – Chinese Cresteds
Discover the journey of Chinese Cresteds from rare breed shows to AKC recognition, highlighting early competition and breed milestones.
Home » Meet The Breeds » Chinese Crested Dog Breed
The Chinese Crested, a lively and alert toy breed standing between 11 and 13 inches high, can be hairless or coated. The hairless variety has smooth, soft skin and tufts of hair on the head, tail, and ankles. The coated variety, called the “powderpuff,” is covered by a soft, silky coat.
Discover the journey of Chinese Cresteds from rare breed shows to AKC recognition, highlighting early competition and breed milestones.
Examining the Chinese Crested: from coat standards to the controversy over tails, discover the good, bad, and ugly truths.
Judging Chinese Crested: a fine-boned, elegant Toy dog, in Hairless and Powderpuff varieties, graceful and playful.
Dive into the enigmatic origins of Chinese Crested dogs, uncover their two coat varieties, and embrace their loving and loyal companionship.
Purebred Chinese Cresteds are a unique and old dog breed with two varieties (Hairless and Powderpuff) that dates back to the 1400’s as shown
Interview with a Toy Group Breeder Kathy Knoles – I’m a fourth generation fancier and I have been breeding Chinese Cresteds for over 25
When judging the Chinese Crested breed, judges should remember that both varieties are judged by the identical standard except for some differences.
Discover the journey of Chinese Cresteds from rare breed shows to AKC recognition, highlighting early competition and breed milestones.
Examining the Chinese Crested: from coat standards to the controversy over tails, discover the good, bad, and ugly truths.
Judging Chinese Crested: a fine-boned, elegant Toy dog, in Hairless and Powderpuff varieties, graceful and playful.