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Interview With Westminster Junior Showmanship Judge Karen Mammano

Westminster Junior Showmanship Judge Karen Mammano with 2022 WKC Best Junior Handler Erin Bernecker


Interview with 2022 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Junior Showmanship Judge Show Karen Mammano


Can you describe your reaction to receiving an invitation to judge the Junior Showmanship Finals at Westminster?

A dream assignment, I was over the moon! I do believe I cried!

Can you talk a bit about your typical process for judging Junior Showmanship?

I am always looking for quiet hands… and someone who bonds with the dog and has fun with them.

Was there a heightened energy in your ring? Did you feel the energy of the spectators?

The energy was electric… and the nerves were on all the competitors faces! I tried to relax them… and make them breathe and smile.

Did the Juniors in your ring seem especially focused? Any nerves on display?

Per my last answer… lots of nervous smiles… and fast movement!

How evident was breed-specific presentation among the finalists?

They all did amazing with each breed, understanding proper pace and what each dog needed to look its best.

With so much talent in your ring, how challenging was this assignment?

Honestly, the good thing was I could not go wrong! I would have any one of them work for me. The challenge was to find the little mistakes!

Is there anything you’d like to say to the Juniors who made it to the Finals this year?

Keep with the sport… get involved in a club! We need young people involved in clubs and learning how to put on shows!

Have you any advice you’d like to offer to your winning Junior?

Same as above, as well as to always remember it is just a dog show… there’s another one tomorrow. Your studies are so important!

Karen Mammano
Westminster Junior Showmanship Judge Karen Mammano with 2022 WKC Best Junior Handler Erin Bernecker
Based on this assignment, would you say that the future of the sport is in capable hands?

The future will be amazing if they stick with it and get involved on a greater level! There is so much talent and love for the dogs.



1st Erin Bernecker – CH Skyline’s Take ‘Em To The Station

2nd Taylor Johnson – CH Bugaboo’s Let It Be
Old English Sheepdog

3rd Hadley Ramirez George – Ch Winfree’s Bring Back The Magic
English Cocker Spaniel

4th Katelyn Meyers – GCHG CH Isengard El Diablo RN