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Interview with Bergit Coady-Kabel – Montgomery County Kennel Club 2022 Breed Judge

Bergit Coady-Kabel was the breed judge for Miniature Schnauzer dogs


Interview with Montgomery County Kennel Club Breed Judge (Miniature Schanuzer), Bergit Coady-Kabel


What does it mean to be invited to judge at the Montgomery County Kennel Club dog show, the most prestigious Terrier event in the world?

Bergit Coady-Kabel: To be invited to judge at “Montgomery County” is the biggest achievement for any Terrier “Fanatic,” without question. For me, as a former Terrier Handler of 50 years, it was the ultimate to be able to judge Miniature Schnauzers, a breed I was heavily involved with. It was like a dream come true.


Do you have any thoughts you’d like to share about your Breed assignment(s) this year? Please be specific.

Bergit Coady-Kabel: My breed assignment of 83 dogs was no easy task. The quality was high; breed type, correct size, soundness, and good coats and condition were present in most dogs. Temperament and showmanship were excellent! While sorting through class after class, I marveled at the fact that we have a lot of good breeders who, time after time, produce correct and beautiful Miniature Schnauzers. Also, the fact that all of the dogs were shown to me in perfect condition and trim made my heart jump. I know all too well how much work goes into this and I appreciate all the effort on everyone’s part!

Thank You!


What can today’s breeders and exhibitors in the other Groups learn from their Terrier counterparts? What can be learned from a show like Montgomery?

Bergit Coady-Kabel: For someone looking to learn about Terriers or “up” their knowledge, Montgomery County would be the show to go to. Most all of the 32 different Terrier breeds and varieties are represented, and usually most Top Dogs are present. From morning to night there are dogs to watch, and Breeders, Owners, and Handlers to talk to. But, of course, planning is necessary. It is also fascinating to watch skilled handling executed by the best of the best! So, go and enjoy Montgomery County 2023!