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Dennis McCoy – Encourager

Jeanette Stribling with Judge Dennis McCoy.

Qualities of being a great encourager include possessing a great heart for people, having an empathetic ear, an eye for potential, being a consistent source of hope, and setting a positive and inspiring example. Dennis McCoy lived the life of a great encourager.

Dog Show Judges are afforded many opportunities to reflect great credit on the American Kennel Club and its many activities. Dennis McCoy was an example of everything good about our sport! The greatness he achieved is legendary.

Dennis McCoy
Jeanette Stribling getting encouragement from Judge Dennis McCoy.

After speaking with Mari-Beth O’Neill and learning about Dennis McCoy’s passing, I phoned my friend Jeanette Stribling to share the sad news. Jeanette is just one example of a newcomer whose life has been impacted by AKC Judge Dennis McCoy.

Here’s what she reiterated to me:

After acquiring my first show dog, a Boston Terrier, I joined the Greenville Kennel Club, enrolled in their Show and Go Training Classes, and started practicing to get ready for the ring. Being a novice was an awkward experience, to say the least. It made me question whether or not exhibiting in conformation was for me.

After I left the ring at my first show, Judge Dennis McCoy came up to me with lots of words of encouragement. He also gave me tips for showing the next day. He boosted my confidence tremendously. My little Boston and I came back the next day and picked up our very first points under Judge Randy Garren. There is no doubt in my mind that Judge Dennis McCoy is the reason I continued to exhibit and enjoy having success in the ring.

Dennis McCoy
Judge Randy Garren with Jeanette Stribling.

Jeanette Stribling was elected President of the Greenville Kennel Club in 2018. During her tenure, club membership has doubled. She has received the club’s Member of the Year Award, and in 2020, Jeanette was the recipient of the prestigious AKC Sportsmanship Award.

Thanks to Dennis McCoy’s encouragement there are many more enthusiastic supporters of American Kennel Club activities all around the globe. Let each one of us ask ourselves what we’re doing to inspire the next generation. Take time to make a difference!

Dennis McCoy was an example of everything good about our sport! The greatness he achieved is legendary.