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Portuguese Podengo Dog Breed

The Portuguese Podengo, also known as the Podengo Português or Portuguese Warren Hound, is hound (sight and scent) breed from Portugal. As a breed, the Podengo is divided into three size categories that are not interbred: small (Pequeno), medium (Médio) and large (Grande). Their coats are either short and ‘smooth’, or longer and ‘wired’. The smooth coated variety is traditional, whereas the wire coated variety is an outcome of the assimilation of various other breeds during the 20th century.

All Podengo types are hardy, intelligent and lively dogs, excelling at agility and making fine companions. Loyal and fearless, Podengos are also good house guards and are amenable to training by dog experienced people and those that enjoy primitive (unrefined, “less domesticated”) dog behavior.

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Portuguese Podengo Pequeno
Portuguese Podengo Dog Breed
Margaret Boisture

Podengo Days

Join us in Portugal for two exciting Podengo breed events, featuring hunting demos, expert insights, and lively discussions.

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latest articles

Portuguese Podengo Pequeno
Portuguese Podengo Dog Breed
Margaret Boisture

Podengo Days

Join us in Portugal for two exciting Podengo breed events, featuring hunting demos, expert insights, and lively discussions.

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