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Snapshots for Understanding English Cocker Spaniels

English Cocker Spaniel in the field.

Snapshots for Understanding English Cocker Spaniels

Key Points – Basics of the Breed

  • Balanced, moderate, no exaggerations
  • Compact, “Cobby” and “Cockery”
  • Substantial
  • Appealing head and eye
  • Efficient gait
  • Merry disposition

Five Essentials of Correct Body Type

  • A protective forechest – with a correctly constructed front
  • Thick bone
  • A well-sprung ribcage that is deep and carried well back
  • A SHORT, broad loin
  • A wide, muscular rear

To hunt efficiently in the type of terrain they were developed to work in, the English Cocker MUST have all of these elements.


Tail – Docked or Undocked

  • Carried horizontally, off a gently rounded croup.
  • Should be wagging, showing the merry nature of the breed.

The natural tail is thick at the root (consistent with the required generous amount of bone), tapering to the end, and ideally not reaching below the hock joint.

The tail is an extension of the topline, carried horizontally.

You may see some dogs carry their tails a little higher due to excitement. However, it should never be pegged (often a sign of a poorly constructed hip and rear), nor carried too low (either due to a poor tailset or shyness).

The tails are historically docked, not for the aesthetics but for the well-being of the dog. Because of the incessant wagging and the proximity of the dog to the underbrush, a long tail can be injured in the field.


“He is alive with energy; his gait is powerful and frictionless, capable both of covering ground effortlessly and penetrating dense cover to flush and retrieve game.”

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