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The Spirit of the Chihuahua

Three Chihuahuas sitting in a basket.

The Spirit of the Chihuahua

As someone who has dedicated the last 30 years of my life to the Chihuahua, I am constantly amazed at their ability to delight and enrich my world. The spirit of these little dogs is never ending, even after they leave our lives. They are the most human-like dog I have ever owned, and once I got my first Chihuahua show girl, I was totally hooked and can never imagine my life without this smallest breed of dog.

These dogs are highly intelligent and are born with an enormous character. Being extremely sensitive dogs, you will find yourself treating them like a baby—but that is just their ploy to get you to do anything they want. And trust me, you are happy to meet their every desire.

Because Chihuahuas develop such a strong attachment to their family, leaving them alone for long periods of time can cause them extreme sadness and you might find yourself getting a “payback.” Really! That’s how smart they are. They use those big heads to think.

The Chihuahua has been loved since the Toltec civilization and it was believed that these little dogs acted as a vessel to carry the spirit of the deceased to the other side. Many of these dogs were buried with their owners. The AKC first recognized the Chihuahua in 1904, and the Chihuahua Club of America is getting ready to celebrate 100 years since its formation in 1923.

The Chihuahua spirit is loyal, eager to please, and always ready to sit on your lap and listen to whatever you have to tell them. Their sensitivity and empathy with their humans make the bond unimaginable. Yes, really! They possess a sense of humor that cannot be denied and will keep you laughing even on your most vulnerable days. They feel it is their job to console you when you are sad or cheer you up when they think you need that. Whatever you need, they will uncannily provide it to you. They will be sweet or macho, energetic or lazy, protector or comforter; you name it, they will try to provide.

Just know that these little dogs do not realize how small they are. They will need to be protected from themselves due to that air of superiority they possess. They think they are as big as the biggest dogs and just as brave. They will protect you with their life. Loyalty is their middle name.

These “Apple Heads” are full of brains. The owner must be smarter than their Chihuahua because they know how to manipulate you and they actually plan how to do it. You will find yourself happy to oblige their every whim. Be prepared, because once you get one of these spirited little dogs, you will never be without one.

The spirit of the Chihuahua will touch your soul and, when it does, it’s humbling.

The Chihuahua spirit is loyal, eager to please, and always ready to sit on your lap and listen to whatever you have to tell them. Their sensitivity and empathy with their humans make the bond unimaginable.