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Ibizan Hounds in a Winter Wonderland

Beezer Bash Winter Wonderland 2022

The Ibizan Hound Club of the United States (IHCUS) held a Regional Specialty at Kominek Farms in Limestone, Tennessee, on December 27, 2022. Why on earth would one have a specialty two days after Christmas, you may ask? Well, that is a good question and here is the story…

In 2017, a group of Ibizan Hound fanciers called the “Beezer Bungalow” joined in with a local coursing club to host the first “Beezer Bash” on Memorial Day weekend in Fairburn, Georgia. It was an IHCUS supported event and consisted of six Coursing Trials (a combination of ASFA and AKC) over four days. Two of the six trials were Ibizan Specialty Trials. It was a success and a great time.

The following year, the idea then came about to move Beezer Bash around the country. In 2018 it went to Hanover, Pennsylvania, again on Memorial Day weekend, and consisted of six Coursing Trials but added a Fun Match in the mix, all hosted by the Mason Dixon Ibizan Hound Club. Dean Wright and Audrey Silverstein donated the DINO Perpetual Trophy in honor of the one and only “Dino” (FC Kirah’s I Like Treybeau Best SC MC LCM5). The Ibizan that enters all the events and has the most dogs defeated wins the trophy for that year.

In 2019, Beezer Bash evolved into an Ibizan Hound extravaganza! Beezer Bash moved to Medina, Ohio, and was hosted by IHCUS. It included a Regional Specialty show, four Coursing Trials, Farm Dog, Canine Good Citizen, Trick Dog, ACT Agility, Barn Hunt, and LGRA and FCAT Trials. It was a blast!

In 2020, Covid-19 reared its ugly head and the event had to be cancelled. On Memorial Day weekend of 2021, Beezer Bash moved to Lawrence, Kansas, and was a Regional Specialty show with four Coursing Trials and LGRA. When planning for 2022 began, the group which had been organizing the past few years wanted to pass on the torch, and since no one reached out to grab it, it was then a scramble… when and where to have it or skip another year?

As many know, putting on events like this involves a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, and it is all volunteer work. While at an event with the Komineks, the idea sparked to hold it at their end-of-year “Winter Challenge” Coursing Trials. The weather is usually in the 50s and nice. Fantastic! We had a location!! The planning began, and since it was winter, the Winter Wonderland theme sparked. Needless to say, be careful what you name things… as it did, indeed, turn out to be a winter wonderland for Tennessee that time of year.

It had snowed the night before the show; luckily just a dusting. Sweepstakes started at 9 a.m. and it was 29 degrees. (I believe the Ibizans were wishing they were Borzoi!) The Sweeps Judge, Dr. Selma Kominek, arrived and we were ready to start. All the puppies were wild! They thought they should be playing in the “white stuff” instead of trotting pretty on the lead. The air was filled with laughter as everyone watched. The Veterans came out and wondered why they were pulled out of their toasty vehicle for this.

Best Puppy in Sweeps went to the 12-18 Month Bitch (Treybeau’s Curious Little Beastie TKN RATI), owned by Sabrina Hiller. Best Opposite Puppy in Sweeps went to the 6-9 Month Puppy Dog (Treybeau’s Just Like Fire), owned by Kevin Landis, and Best Veteran in Sweeps went to the 7-9 Year Bitch (GCHB DC Kamars Sun Kissed MC LCX RN CGC TKN FCh), owned by Dr. Katie Belz.

Everyone had a break before regular Conformation to warm back up. Conformation Judge, Justin Dannenbring, soon arrived and was ready to start his assignment. The puppies were much better behaved, but the cold and the snow still affected many of the dogs’ performances. It was a lovely entry of Ibizan Hounds! Judge Dannenbring put everyone through their paces and, at the end, selected GCHB Symphony’s Party in the USA at Marwyn BCAT TKN, owned and handled by Meg Smith, as his Best of Breed winner from a stunning line-up of specials. Best of Opposite went to Best Veteran GCHB DC Kamars Sun Kissed MC LCX RN CGC TKN Fch, owned by Dr. Katie Belz.

After win photos and lunch, it was time to start the Lure Coursing. The ASFA Specialty Trial was followed by Puppy Fun Runs to end the day. The next four days were AKC Trials for the Winter Challenge Series. Several Ibizans were entered in all the events to contend for the DINO and Winter Challenge Trophies.

At the end of the weekend, there was one Ibizan Hound who really showed us what the breed is made of. “Penny” (MBIF MBIE AKC DC Icycold Sixth Cent CKC/ASFA FCh), owned by Dr. Karen Catt, took Winners Bitch to finish her AKC Championship at the Specialty, took Best of Breed at the ASFA Trial, took Best of Breed at one of the AKC Trials, and placed in her Stakes in the other Trials.

On the last day of the Winter Challenge, after running five days in a row on hilly terrain, Penny ended up tying and running her final run with a Whippet. As a Coursing judge, this was one those runs where you get goosebumps and tears in your eyes—it was just beautiful. The Whippet was running an exceptional course and the Ibizan Hound was neck and neck with it. The Ibizan passed the Whippet on the straight, and the agility it showed on the corners was something else. I was lucky enough to be one of the three judges judging the run, and it is a run I will never forget. Penny ended the week being both the DINO and Winter Challenge winner, showing everyone just what a “Beezer” can do!


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