Interview with Carol Scerba – Show Chairs Never Sit
What is the name of your show/cluster?
Carol Scerba: Ours is the Ravenna Kennel Club show.
Where are your show(s)/cluster held?
Carol Scerba: It is held at Summit County Fairgrounds, Tallmadge, Ohio.
How long have you been Show/Cluster Chair?
Carol Scerba: I’ve been the Show Chair for two years now, and our previous Show Chair handled it for approximately 10 years.
Can you please provide a brief history of your club?
Carol Scerba: Our club was founded by Maxwell Riddle in 1940, so we are an 83-year-old club—still going strong.
How are the following accommodated at your show(s)/cluster: Parking; Grooming; Bathing, Hospitality; Vendors; Public Education?
Carol Scerba: For our Judges’ Hospitality, we book hotel rooms and transport them to and from the airport and to and from the hotel to the show grounds. We do provide a light breakfast at the grounds and also a catered lunch for the Judges, Stewards, and Club personnel. We have parking with electric hook up for RVs and our vendors, if requested. Since our show is held indoors, there is a food vendor on site for participants, which is not part of our show group, and our other vendors. There is also electric available indoors for those who set up as a vendor or in the grooming areas.
Does your show/cluster offer the National Owner-Handled Series? Junior Showmanship? 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy? Best Bred-By? Specialties? Supported Entries?
Carol Scerba: We are offering Owner-Handled in 2024 for the first time, but we have always offered Best Puppy and Best Bred-By.
We are splitting our two-day show, with Owner-Handled on one day and the Best Puppy and Bred-By on the other day. We do have supported entries and also a Specialty at our show. At this point we do not offer any other events.
How are judging panels determined?
Carol Scerba: The Co-Chair and I look at Judges whom we feel would be a could choice for our shows and we review their availability. We try not to use Judges who have been in our area numerous times. We also consider all input from our club members as to checking out specific Judges.
Who stewards at your show(s)/cluster?
Carol Scerba: We use the Ohio Stewards Club. They handle all stewarding responsibilities, including the Groups.
Does your club have an active membership? How are you seeking new members?
Carol Scerba: We are active and we’re always promoting our club anywhere we are, as individuals and through social media. We are not a breed-specific club.
How are your show(s)/cluster promoted? TV? Radio? Print Media? Social Media?
Carol Scerba: We promote our shows through printed material. The Fairgrounds also promotes on their website and our Superintendent promotes on their website.
What are some of the challenges that you’ve had to face as show/cluster chair?
Carol Scerba: Our main challenge has become the fact that AKC schedules shows close to our shows and beginning on the same dates, i.e., Westminster is now closer to us and begins the same date. Last year, it started a couple days before, so it really cuts down on the entries, especially the professional handlers who have several different breeds that would have been at our show. Of course, those are going to Westminster.