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Help Needed For Bladder and Bone Cancer Research



The AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the health of all dogs and their owners by funding scientific research and disseminating health information to prevent, treat, and cure canine disease. Two exciting new CHF-funded studies are requesting sample submissions to study bladder cancer and bone cancer. Review the details below to see if you and your dog(s) can participate in this important research.


CHF Grant 02885:
Exposure to Environmental Chemicals in Boxers with Lymphoma

Principal Investigator: Lauren Trepanier, DVM, PhD; University of Wisconsin, Madison

If you have a Boxer who has recently been diagnosed with lymphoma, consider helping us find a link between environmental chemicals and this horrible disease. No vet visit required—we send you a kit to collect your dog’s urine and water and air samples from your house.

To learn more about this study, please contact Hannah Peterson at [email protected] or Dr. Lauren Trepanier at [email protected].


CHF Grant 03032-MOU:
Early Detection of Canine Osteosarcoma

Principal Investigator: Jamie Modiano, VMD, PhD; University of Minnesota

The COED study (Canine Osteosarcoma Early Detection) is designed to develop a reliable, minimally invasive blood-based test for early detection and risk assessment of canine osteosarcoma (bone cancer).

Blood samples are being sought from Irish Wolfhounds, Rottweilers, Great Danes, Golden Retrievers, Irish Setters, and Leonbergers OR other large and giant breeds, or large and giant dogs of mixed breeding. Due to shipping constraints and the number of samples per week that the study can process, it is important for owners to be patient as they wait for contact to schedule their enrolled dogs.

To learn more about this study, please visit

Visit to learn more about the AKC Canine Health Foundation and its work to help all dogs live longer, healthier lives!



About the Author


cancer in dogs
Sharon M. Albright, DVM, CCRT

Sharon M. Albright, DVM, CCRT is Manager of Communications & Veterinary Outreach for the AKC Canine Health Foundation in Raleigh, North Carolina.

She graduated from the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine and practiced small animal primary care medicine in the mid-Atlantic region for fifteen years. She is a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Therapist and an Elite Fear Free certified professional.

Dr. Albright’s passion for Golden Retrievers led her to Colorado in 2015 to work on the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study before returning to the East Coast for her current role at the AKC Canine Health Foundation.

Dr. Albright can be contacted at [email protected].