Ways to Enjoy a Dog Show Even Without a Favorite Colored Ribbon/Rosette
- Talk with experienced breeders and ask questions. (Our old timers are dying off. Learn while you still can!)
- Train your dog. Take some time to work with your exhibit to help prepare for the next show. It’s the perfect place. You paid your entry fee. Your dog is allowed in the building. Take advantage of a great training venue.
- Cheer on friends! Stay. Watch the groups. Support your breed. Clap for pals.
- Help a handler. Help someone. Learn a little. You’d be amazed at what you might learn! Most handlers don’t have “secret success” formulas. They are willing to help share their knowledge.
- Watch junior handling and clap for the kids. After all, they are the future of our sport.
- Volunteer to help the club. With so few people interested in anything more than a ribbon, clubs might need an extra hand. You might actually decide to join and make some lifelong pals.
- Promote your breed. Talk with people who are interested in your breed and encourage them to find a reputable breeder.
- Watch the dogs. More often than not, the winning dogs have virtue. Look for the positive.
- Watch the judging of any breed with a breed expert. Listen. Learn.
- Have lunch with friends. Spend some time getting to know people. Many of the folk at the show could become lifelong pals. The dog fancy is filled with people from so many different backgrounds. Enjoy the diversity.
- Clean up. If you see trash on the ground, pick it up. Clubs are working damn hard to find venues for shows. Keep the grounds clean.
- Congratulate the winners. You’ll get your turn in the winner’s circle next weekend. Enjoy the day. Go home and enjoy your dogs. What would you add to the list?
Make Each Day Its Own Reward
Ways to Enjoy a Dog Show Even Without a Favorite Colored Ribbon/Rosette
Contributed by William H. Miller