The Owner Handler | Colleen Wilson
Colleen Wilson shares her journey in purebred dogs, from Mastiffs to Miniature Poodles, grooming tips, and show handling.
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Colleen Wilson shares her journey in purebred dogs, from Mastiffs to Miniature Poodles, grooming tips, and show handling.
Meet Michelle “Muffin” Chaney, a passionate breeder and owner-handler of Yorkshire Terriers from Southeastern Iowa.
Balancing personal goals with community focus in the diverse and dynamic world of dog sports is challenging. Read more.
Discover Matthew Stroud’s journey as an Owner Handler in Tulsa, Oklahoma, sharing his love for dogs and preserving the Schipperke breed.
Explore the journey of a Breeder/Owner Handler in the world of purebred dogs, from mentorship to cherished victories and heartfelt moments.
Interview with Sharon Sherwood: Discover her passion for Welsh Springer Spaniels and insights into competitive dog showing.
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Interview with an Owner-Handler Ralph Silva. Discover his inspirations, mentors, and profound connections with his dogs.
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