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Vizsla Club of America Specialty | Kennewick, WA

visla dog in the dog show


Ringside photos and dog show candids from the Vizsla Club of America Specialty dog show which was held on September 29, 2022 – October 02, 2022, at Columbia Park, in Kennewick, Washington.


Vizsla Club of America Specialty

  • DATE OF SHOW: 09/29/22 – 10/02/22
  • LOCATION: Columbia Park, Kennewick, Washington




About the Club

Founded in 1960, the Vizsla Club of America (VCA) comprises nearly 1,000 members who have pledged to be good stewards of the breed. Our members come from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 10 international countries.


Dog Show Photo Gallery

Photos by April Bruce
Critter’s Photography