Interview with Wendy Penn, Breeder of ByRequest Poodles
Where do I live? How many years in dogs? How many years as a breeder?
Wendy Penn: I live in Orient, just south of Columbus, Ohio. I have been breeding and showing dogs for 40-plus years.
What is my kennel name? How many dogs do I currently keep?
Wendy Penn: My kennel name is ByRequest Poodles. My numbers do flucuate, but I currently have four Standards and six Miniature Poodles. I also have several stud dogs living in pet homes. Having two varieties increases the numbers quickly!
Which show dogs from the past have been my noteworthy winners?
- My top winner is the Standard BIS GCH ByReQUEST BoN Mot. She was in the Top 10 two years in a row.
- My top Mini was owner-handled by me, which was so much fun: SBIS GCH RSVP@BYREQUEST.
Which have been my most influential sires and dams?
Wendy Penn: I had two Standard dogs that were a huge part of my breeding program and produced over 30 champions a piece: CH Breitling ByReQuest and CH Feel Good Inc. ByReQuest.
Can I talk a bit about my facilities? Where are my puppies whelped? How are they raised?
Wendy Penn: I have a small kennel on one property, but whelping is done in the house and the Minis stay in the house for 4-6 weeks. The Standards are raised in the kennel.
What is my “process” for selecting show puppies? Performance puppies?
Wendy Penn: I don’t get excited about showing puppies until about 6-8 weeks. At that point, they are on the table almost every day. I have a group of friends who critique them with me.
At what age do I place puppies in show homes? In Performance homes?
Wendy Penn: I try to sell the pets first so that I can watch how the show prospects grow. I usually keep them for at least three months.
Does my breed require any special preparation for competing in Conformance or Performance Events?
Wendy Penn: Coat is the most time-consuming show preparation for Poodle conformation shows.
Do I compete in Performance Events? If not, do these competitive arenas interest me?
Wendy Penn: I don’t compete in Performance Events. Consequently, I’m not usually contacted about Performance prospects. I have, however, sold Minis that have done very well for their owners. Although I am interested in Performance, it seems that all I do is brush dogs and have no time for it.
In my opinion, is my breed in good condition overall? Any trends that warrant concern?
Wendy Penn: I think that all breeds change with influences of bloodlines and proper sires. The people I knew when I started are not all as active, and newer people with different ideas have become involved.
Are there any health-related concerns within my breed? Any special nutritional needs?
Wendy Penn: Standards, even though they are the largest variety, are more susceptible to autoimmune issues that the Minis are not.
Is my breed well suited to be a family dog? Who are the best candidates to own my breed?
Wendy Penn: Poodles are awesome family dogs. The Standards are larger, but they are almost human-like in their interactions with people. Minis are smaller and more active and playful. The Poodle’s non-shedding coat makes them very appealing.
Is my breed a good choice as a Performance competitor? If so, in which events?
Wendy Penn: The Poodles are great Performance Dogs—the Mini does well with these activities.
What is the biggest misconception about my breed? What is my breed’s best-kept secret?
Wendy Penn: The show haircuts are off-putting to many people who don’t understand the historic reasons for hunting.
For a bit of fun, what’s the most amusing thing I’ve ever experienced with a Non-Sporting Dog?
Wendy Penn: Fishing my Mini out of the pond after chasing ducks!
If I could share one suggestion with judges of my breed, what would I like to say to them about my breed?
Wendy Penn: Judges, please don’t overlook the amateurs, the breeders, and the owner-handlers.
Are you looking for a Poodle puppy?
The best way to ensure a long and happy relationship with a purebred dog is to purchase one from a responsible breeder. Not sure where to begin finding a breeder? Contact the National Parent Club’s Breeder Referral person, which you can find on the AKC Breeder Referral Contacts page.
Want to help rescue and re-home a Poodle dog?
Did you know nearly every recognized AKC purebred has a dedicated rescue group? Find your new best friend on the AKC Rescue Network Listing.
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