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The Cardigan as a Companion

Two small children two Cardigan Welsh Corgis going for a walk

This article was originally published in Showsight Magazine, May 2014 issue.


The Cardigan as a Companion

When asked, “what makes a Cardigan a good companion”, I could rattle off numerous stories of delightful and entertaining things my Cardigans have done. This really comes down to just two characteristics that define a Cardigan: their distinct shape and size, and their unique temperament.

The Cardigan is a big dog in a small package. Many people have smaller homes, so they are not interested in a large dog. At roughly 10½ to 12½ inches at the shoulder, the Cardigan does not take up too much space. With most Cardigans weighing in between 25-38 pounds, they are an easy dog to walk around the block. Their size is great for kids and toddlers as well. The Cardigan is not a fragile creature though. He is short and approachable, but built like a tank. He also has a big dog bark, making him a good guard dog.

In the Woods. Photo courtesy of Malia Hatley.

Most people are familiar with the distinct Corgi appearance, but perhaps the Cardigan’s best attribute is his disposition. To start with, he is smart. One morning, I was ready to take the kids to school, and yelled, “Alright everybody, let’s go.” There they were, kids and dogs all lined up at the door ready to go. They (the dogs) learned that on their own. They know how to put the windows in the car down; one will actually honk the horn. All you see is ears and a steering wheel! Also on the upside, they train and housebreak easily and quickly.

While the Cardigan has all the smarts of his fellow herding dogs, he is also blessed with an amazing capacity to just chill out. Our Cardigans love to sleep on the sofa with us while we read or watch TV. On a ‘Needy Scale’ of 1-10, with 1 being “I can’t stand you” and 10 being “I need to sit on your head and lick you all night,” the Cardigan scores around 7. He wants to be in the same room with you, perhaps even on the same piece of furniture, but he is not a VELCRO® dog. He would like to go with you in the car, wherever you might be going, but he is not going to freak out and destroy your house if you leave him at home.

In the Creek. Photo courtesy of Malia Hatley.

We have kids, so it was important to us to find a family dog. Our Cardigans love children. One of our Cardigans comes to our block party every year where all the neighborhood kids run up to her and throw their arms around her. She loves it. At the end of the night you can always find her right in the middle of a pile of them. She enjoys sledding with them, too!

I could go on, but hopefully I have been able to explain a few of the reasons that the Cardigan Welsh Corgi is so much more than just “the Corgi with a tail.” The Cardigan is an easy dog to live with and more entertaining than cable! One word of caution if you are considering getting a Cardigan; they are like mittens, you don’t own just one!