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AKC Fast Cat Invitational Winner – Pure Speed Division – HC 2: Strider – Handler: Joan Bennett

Joan Bennet with Swedish Vallhund known as Strider


Interview with Joan Bennett


How long have you competed in AKC Fast CAT? How did you discover the sport?

Joan Bennett: I started in the fall of 2018. I went to a Fast CAT trial in Wisconsin for the opportunity to meet other Swedish Vallhunds and their owners who were entered in the trial.


Did you have a strategy for competing with “Strider” at the AKC Fast CAT Invitational?

Joan Bennett: My strategy was to enjoy the experience of being invited to the Fast CAT Invitational… then run! It’s about the dogs having fun.


Do you compete in other dog sports? If so, which sports appeal to you and why?

Joan Bennett: Yes. We compete in Agility and Scent Work. When I started in Agility (20 years ago?) it was about working as a team… and about having fun while spending time with my dogs. I started Nosework to build a relationship with Strider. Turned out he loved it, and at Nosework class, I liked doing an activity that lets the dog use his natural ability.