The deadline for the March issue is March 14th, featuring 2025 specials, Westminster winners, and owner handlers.


Meet BIS Judge Dana Cline

Meet BIS Judge Dana Cline

BIS Judge Dana Cline

Best in Show: GCHG Lagniappe’s From The Mountains

To The Bayou (Giant Schnauzer)

Reserve Best in Show: GCHS Heywire N Deep Harbor Love That Dirty Water CD JH AX OAJ NF (German Wirehaired Pointer)


  1. Can you describe your reaction to receiving an invitation to judge Best in Show at the AKC National Championship Presented by Royal Canin?
    Dana Cline: Realizing that there are many qualified people who could have been invited, yes, I consider it a great honor.
  2. What does it mean to head the judging panel at the only all-breed show organized directly by the American Kennel Club?
    Dana Cline: It’s a terrific honor!
  3. In your opinion, how does this show differ from other AKC events?
    Dana Cline: The energy and atmosphere of this show is so exciting! There is so much to see and do, and the visitors traveling from other countries make this show very unique.
  4. What were you thinking or feeling moments before you stepped into the center of the BIS ring?
    Dana Cline: Of course, my mind wandered to which seven dogs might I be seeing, and was my tie straight and were my shoes tied? LOL!
  5. Was there a heightened energy coming from the dog and handler teams? Did you feel the energy of the spectators?
    Dana Cline: This being such a huge event, of course the dogs and handlers felt it. However, all rose to the occasion and gave spectacular performances. As for the spectators, again this year, it was rather quiet due to COVID and distancing, so the normal” electricity” in the room was minimized by this!
  6. How challenging was this assignment? Can you share your selection process?
    Dana Cline: I chose not to watch any of the Group judging prior to judging Best so that my mind was fresh and I had no preview of the dogs’ performances or lack thereof. My process consisted of choosing the best dogs by how they most closely adhered to their specific standards.
  7. Do you have a word or two about your Best in Show winner? About the Group winners?
    Dana Cline: My BIS winner stepped into my ring and impressed me every moment thereafter. His condition, attitude, and gorgeous movement made him my favorite. However, his competitors were all lovely dogs and deserving of high praise.
  8. A dog show of this magnitude is a monumental undertaking. Is there anything you’d like to say on behalf of the AKC and the show’s sponsors?
    Dana Cline: Whenever I refer to this show, I call it “The Greatest Show on Earth.” To see how well-coordinated the AKC and Royal Canin work alongside one another, it’s no wonder why this show is so successful. The atmosphere they create for the exhibitors and spectators is simply unmatched
  9. Are there specific ways in which this show furthers the cause of purebred dogs?
    Dana Cline: Anyone looking in from the outside, watching the televised broadcast or attending the show for the very first time, can clearly witness the high level of professionalism displayed at this event by participants at all levels of the sport!
  10. Now that it’s over, what are your thoughts on the 2021 show year? What about theyear ahead?
    Dana Cline: 2021 certainly had its challenges with recovering and reorganizing from the pandemic. As in most every case, our sport holds its head high and moves forward. I imagine that 2022 may bring its own set of challenges to our sport, but we will continue to survive and grow with grace and style!