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Nancy Lillie | Lillie (Toy) Poodles

Nancy Lillie

Interview with Nancy Lillie, Breeder of Lillie (Toy) Poodles

  1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself. Where do you live? How many years in dogs? How many years as a breeder? What is your kennel name?
  2.  What is your “process” for selecting show puppies? Performance puppies?
  3.  In your opinion, is your breed in good condition overall? Any trends that warrant concern?
  4. As a Preservation Breeder, can you share your thoughts on the sport today? How’s the judging these days? What do you think about the number of shows?
  5. In your opinion, is social media good for the sport? Is it harmful?
  6. What are the biggest challenges facing the dog show community as a whole today and how can these be addressed?
  7. What are some of the positive changes you’ve seen in the sport over the past decade?

Nancy Lillie

1. My name is Nancy Lillie. I live in Orting, Washington, and my kennel name is Lillie Poodles. I have been in Poodles for over 15 years. I have a small kennel and only breed red Toy Poodles. I am a member of the Puget Sound Poodle Club (Secretary, Breeder Referral, and Rescue Coordinator), Toy Dog Club of Puget Sound, and Poodle Club of America Red and Apricot Club. I loved showing my dogs when my knees were good, but now I have great handler.

2. When a pup is born, I look to see head shape, bone, etc. As they mature, I keep an eye on the Breed Standard items. I watch them move and I observe personality, structure, and much more. When they turn 8-9 weeks old, I decide who I will keep or sell to a show home and who will be a pet. I then match pups with potential new owners.

3. Poodles are a great breed for many reasons. They are great for people with allergies. Great family pets. Very smart. Easy to train. They can do so many things. They’re good in Conformation, but also in Agility, Hunt Tests, Obedience, and so much more. My biggest concern for the breed is the out of control mixing of breeds. These mongrels are becoming an issue.

4. I think numbers are down in some areas, although we do have a lot of shows in this area. We always have some great judges who know the breed well, and some who could learn the Breed Standard a little better.

5. Social media is like anything else, it’s good and bad. If used properly it can be a great tool to get information out to the public. It can also be used to scam and mislead people. I always tell people to verify the info they see online.

6. We need to be open to new people in the show community; help them to learn correct ways and give them a helping hand when necessary. They are the future of the breed. Poodles can be a little daunting with hair maintenance, but this can be learned by most.

7. I have seen a rise in serious breeders in the past five years after many years of decline. Unfortunately, numbers are still down. Our club has had many new members and we try to be good mentors. We also work with Juniors. They are the future.