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Unleash the Professional Within You

Perfect teamwork handler and Afghan Hound in dog show ring. This image was taken at the annual Boonah Agricultural ANKC Champion Dog Show, Queensland, Australia. 5 110

Unleash the Professional Within You

Here’s a quote from an anonymous Dog Show Mentor Member:

“I want to be viewed as a professional owner handler. I’m proud to be an owner handler, and I want to be as professional about it as I possibly can. I want to be known for my grooming, for the condition that my dogs are in, for my sportsmanship, for the way I handle myself, whether I win or lose, and I want to be helpful to other people in the sport. I think of it as being a professional owner handler.”

How do you want to be viewed by others?

Excellence is a Choice

Let me ask you something important: How do you truly want to be seen in this world? Not just in the eyes of others, but in the depths of your own soul. Because the way you perceive yourself sets the standard for how others will perceive you.

In the exhilarating arena of dog shows—or any pursuit you’re passionate about—there’s a burning desire within you to excel, to stand out, to be exceptional. But here’s the truth: Excellence isn’t a gift; it’s a choice. It’s about deciding, right here and now, to step up your game and embrace the professional owner handler you know you can be.

The Power of Proximity: Your ‘Fav Five’

You’ve heard it said that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Think about that for a moment. Who are your “Fav Five” in the dog show world? Are they lifting you higher, pushing you to be better, challenging you to grow? Or are they holding you back, keeping you anchored in mediocrity?

Proximity is power. When you surround yourself with passionate, driven, and successful individuals, their energy becomes your energy. Their habits become your habits. Their standards elevate your own. It’s time to audit your inner circle and make sure it’s aligned with the extraordinary future you’re crafting.

Crafting Your Professional Identity

To be viewed as a professional owner handler, you must embody professionalism in every action, every decision, every moment. This isn’t about a title or a status; it’s about who you are at your core.

  • Master Your Craft: Commit to excellence in grooming, training, and presenting your dog. Leave no stone unturned in your pursuit of mastery.
  • Adopt a Champion’s Mindset: Win or lose, carry yourself with grace, humility, and unwavering confidence. Your mindset sets the tone for your success.
  • Elevate Others: Be a beacon of support and encouragement in your community. When you help others rise, you rise with them.

Take Massive Action

Awareness without action is useless. Now that you know the impact of your inner circle and the importance of professional embodiment, it’s time to take massive, determined action.

  1. Identify Your Influencers: Write down the five people you spend the most time with in your dog show endeavors. Be honest with yourself about their influence on you.
  2. Assess Alignment: Do these individuals reflect the professionalism and success you aspire to? If not, it’s time to make some tough choices.
  3. Seek Out Excellence: Connect with mentors, join elite groups, and immerse yourself in environments that challenge and inspire you.
  4. Invest in Personal Growth: Read books, attend seminars, and engage in training that hones your skills and expands your mindset.
  5. Commit to Daily Improvement: Every day is an opportunity to be better than you were yesterday. Seize it with both hands.

Embrace the Journey

Remember, success is not a destination—it’s a journey. It’s about continuous growth, relentless improvement, and an unshakable commitment to your vision.

Ask yourself:

  • What can I do today to elevate my professionalism?
  • Who can I connect with that will push me to new heights?
  • How can I contribute more to my community and uplift others?

Ignite Your Potential

The power to become a professional owner handler—respected, admired, and successful—is within you. It’s been there all along. Now is the time to unleash it.

Don’t wait for permission. Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Create the moment. Be the catalyst for your own transformation.

So, How Do You Want to Be Viewed by Others?

The answer isn’t found in wishes or hopes; it’s forged in action, discipline, and the company you keep. Decide today to surround yourself with excellence, to embody professionalism, and to step boldly into the future you desire.

Your journey to greatness starts now.