A Dream Comes True for One Biewer Terrier & Her Patient Partner
My “Westminster Fever” began in 2004, while watching on TV. The lights went down in Madison Square Garden and the spotlights soon focused on the seven dogs chosen to compete for Best in Show. When Josh the Newfoundland appeared and took BIS, my tears started to flow, and in the 20 years since then they continue to do so whenever the Champions of Westminster enter the show ring. With tears running down my face, I announced to my husband that I would be there in person the next year, and I have been, not missing a year with the exception of 2020 when the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show was closed to the public due to COVID-19. If you had told me at that time, 20 years ago, that I would have an AKC GCHS show dog entered in the WKC show, I would not have believed you. Yet, we will be there—and I am beyond proud.
While I always had a dog growing up, I did not realize the love that I had for them until I married my husband, Danny R. Dox DVM. Being married to a veterinarian and co-owning animal hospitals with him exposed me to the dogs on a daily basis, some being happy and healthy, and some being old and in ill health. We were blessed to be able to help the dogs of all breeds, whether purebred or rescue, and soon I was able to form my own 501c3 animal rescue, The Paws Cause. I also started to perform in pet fashion charity events, where my tiny dogs and I would travel all over the US to help raise money for local rescues. We would model custom designs on the runway and help the local communities raise awareness for the dogs in need. After participating in these types of events for more than 15 years, it was suggested to me that I should take the next step, only in a different direction, and finally take my chance along the Westminster path.
With great support from my family and friends, and carefully chosen mentors, I was able to introduce Haus Black Bist Peodora God’s Gracious Gift into the AKC show ring in December 2021. “Peodora” is a Biewer Terrier, and while within Biewer Terrier standards, she is a Blue Biewer, a unique coloring, and we are always honored to be in the show ring with other stunning Biewer Terrier friends. This is the fourth year that the Biewer Terrier has been recognized by the AKC, and we strive to represent the breed in the style that this Toy breed deserves. Peodora championed to GCH very quickly under my very lacking handling skills, so off we marched towards our goal of Westminster. With the help of her handling team, Fronklinn Kennels, we thought that we were on our way to the magical green carpet of Westminster in 2023. Even though being a GCHB, and having a great show career at such a young age, Peodora sadly did not make the Westminster lottery. To say that I was crushed is an understatement. We had gotten so close, yet we were not going to get our Westminster chance that year. I went to the show as usual and cheered on my fellow Biewer Terrier friends, all the while wishing that my girl Peodora was in the show ring.
If you had told me at that time, 20 years ago, that I would have an AKC GCHS show dog entered in the WKC show, I would not have believed you. Yet, we will be there—and I am beyond proud.
Peodora and I forged on in our Westminster quest, and while returning home from a five-day dog show in North Carolina, and sitting in the airport, my husband called me, his voice crackling through his tears. He announced that I had received my Westminster letter in the mail, and Peodora and I were officially on our way to make my dream come true. As I sat there in the airport, my head bowed down and my tears flowing like they had 20 years earlier at the thought of going to Westminster, I realized that this was one of my finest days. I am certain that my fellow passengers must have thought that I had just received some tragic news. They had no way of knowing that they were witnessing the start of a journey for me and Peodora, our adventure to Westminster was just beginning.
Josh the Newfoundland had started it for me 20 years before, and Peodora and I will finish it. I wonder how many people are lucky enough to have a dream fulfilled? Win or lose, we will be there, among a group of our friends. My Westminster dream will finally come true…