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History of The Lagotto In the United States

Lagotto Romagnolo

This article was originally published in Showsight Magazine, November 2018 issue.

History of The Lagotto In the United States

These wonderful compact curly-coated water dogs emerged from the truffle regions of Italy decades ago, but are not recorded as arriving on USA soil until the 1990s. The Lagotto is the only breed of dog in the world recognized as a specialized truffle hunter. The first US litter was born in 1999. A Yahoo Group for the breed was established in 1999. Early imports included Truffie who won Best in Show at an ARBA show in 1998. The breed was accepted into the AKC Foundation Stock Service in 2001. In 2007, a small group formed what is now the Lagotto Romagnolo Club of America with a charter membership of 39 persons.

The first American-bred champion was Jamboree Bella Nina competing in IABCA shows in 2010. In 2011, AKC recognized the club as the parent club for the breed. The breed became eligible to compete in AKC companion events in 2008, Open Shows in 2011, and Miscellaneous Class in 2013, ultimately entering regular conformation competition in 2015. The first AKC Champion was Terzo Kleo of Golden Comfort. The LRCA emphasizes the natural rustic nature of our breed and strives to keep the breed true to its roots of water retriever and truffle hunter, stressing that it should be shown in the ring in that look; no fluffing or exaggeration. Following are stories from our first National Specialty Winner, one who competes in conformation and actively hunts truffles, and one who actively shows in conformation and companion events. This smart, active, and sturdy breed is rustic, loyal, and simply a delightful companion.