Insights From Roberta C. Davies – 2024 AKC National Championship Working Group Judge
1. Can you describe your reaction to receiving an invitation to judge the Working Group at the AKC National Championship Presented by Royal Canin?
Roberta C. Davies: I was thrilled and excited, and looking forward with anticipation to being on that big stage.
2. What does it mean to judge a Group at the only all-breed show organized directly by the American Kennel Club?
Roberta C. Davies: On one hand, it is like any other Group judging in that I get to choose which dogs are the best four dogs. On the other hand, judging the Group at the AKC National Championship is so much more. Every breed is represented, something that’s rarely if ever seen currently at an all-breed show.
3. In your opinion, how does this show differ from other AKC events?
Roberta C. Davies: The size, the scope, the production, and all that happens behind the scenes are what make this a truly special event.
4. What were you thinking or feeling moments before you stepped into the center of the Group ring?
Roberta C. Davies: I was anticipating all of the wonderful dogs that I was going to judge.
5. Was there a heightened energy coming from the dog and handler teams? Did you feel the energy of the spectators?
Roberta C. Davies: Yes, Yes, and Yes!
6. How challenging was this assignment? Can you share your selection process?
Roberta C. Davies: I knew what I was looking for in each breed and found it in my four placements.
7. Do you have a word or two about your Group winner? About the dogs that placed?
Roberta C. Davies: All four Group placements were wonderful representatives of their breed.
- Group 1 – The Giant Schnauzer was everything that I look for in a Giant Schnauzer. His head was beautiful, exhibiting all of the hallmarks of the breed. His proportions were correct, with hard muscle and hard coat. He was in wonderful condition and moved at the correct speed. His flawless movement was shown to perfection.
- Group 2 – The Great Dane had a beautiful head and expression. He was square, elegant, in great condition, and moved beautifully.
- Group 3 – The Kuvasz had correct head proportions with a beautiful expression. He had a correct, medium-course coat. He was in wonderful condition and moved beautifully.
- Group 4 – The Standard Schnauzer, with his arched eyebrows, hard coat, proper proportions, and great condition, was a beautifully moving dog and a wonderful representative of the Standard Schnauzer.
8. A dog show of this magnitude is a monumental undertaking. Is there anything you’d like to say to the AKC and the show’s sponsors?
Roberta C. Davies: This show was an enormous undertaking. I would like to say thank you to Royal Canin for its support. I would also like to say thank you to AKC staff, show committee, and all of the people who helped behind the scenes to make this event something truly special.
9. Are there specific ways in which this show furthers the cause of purebred dogs?
Roberta C. Davies: It’s wonderful that all of the AKC breeds are represented and the venue is so large that there is room for all of the spectators, with ample opportunity to speak with breeders and exhibitors about their breed and the sport. Showcasing the companion and performance events also furthers the cause of purebred dogs. Not only can spectators gain an appreciation for their working ability, but also how much fun they can have with their purebred dog. And last but certainly not least, the TV production will highlight all of the breeds for millions of viewers and potential owners of purebred dogs.
10. Now that it’s over, what are your thoughts on the 2024 show year? Any thoughts on the year ahead?
Roberta C. Davies: The AKC National Championship was a very satisfying and exciting show. My thoughts on the 2025 show? Keep doing more of the same, and maybe have “more signs” showing people where to go and how to get there, LOL.