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Judging the Bichon Frise

Holly hock Bichon

This article was originally published in Showsight Magazine, May 2013 issue.

Judging the Bichon Frise

This happy powder puff breed is very sturdy and fun-loving. When they walk into a ring, their tail should be carried over their back, and you should notice a well-balanced, happy dog with an effortless gait. The breed is neither too tall (over 12″) nor too small (under 9″) and has a body length that is neither too long nor too short. The minimum does not apply to puppies.

The Bichon Frisé’s thick, white, dense coat is trimmed to give them a straight topline, stove-pipe legs, moderate angles in the rear, a neck arched to the head, and a round head. Puppies under one year of age can have a softer, straighter, and colored coat. Any shade of cream to tan over any amount of the body is acceptable. As adults, the color can only cover ten percent of the entire body.

Their round eyes and nose should resemble black buttons at first glance, framed by coat that circles the head and conceals the ears. When the ears are brought forward in an alert position, they are still not visible, as they enhance the framing of the face. The slightly rounded skull allows for a forward-looking eye. The eyes and nose form an equal lateral triangle, measuring from the outside corner of the eye to the tip of the nose. The ears are set slightly higher than the eyes. The muzzle width is half of the widest part of the top skull, and the length of the muzzle is 3 parts to 5 parts of the top skull, measuring from the occiput to the stop. The muzzle is on the same plane as the top skull.

A scissor bite with full dentition supports the muzzle and allows for a strong underjaw. Crooked teeth or an out-of-line tooth are acceptable. All others should be faulted.

The pigment is black or as dark brown as possible on the lips, nose, pads of feet, eye rims, and the area surrounding the eyes, known as halos.

The measurements of the body are very specific in our standard. The body, from the withers to the buttocks, forms a square, and the sternum to the withers is one-quarter of the square. The top of the withers to the brisket is an equal distance as the elbows to the floor. The neck measures from the occiput to the withers, one-third of the overall length of the dog.

When going over the structure of the dog, you should feel a well-muscled dog with medium bone, slight rise over the loin, high tail set, moderately sprung rib cage, and a moderate tuck-up. Tails should reach the middle of the back, creating the look of a teapot handle. With a well-laid-back shoulder, measuring somewhat near a forty-five-degree angle, the shoulder blade, upper arm, and forearm are of equal proportions. The elbow should be directly below the wither when viewed from the side. Legs are straight with a cat-like foot. The well-angulated muscular thighs are spaced moderately wide. The upper and lower thighs are nearly equal in length. The hock to foot joint is perpendicular to the ground.

With the correct measurements, the legs move on the same plane with slight convergence when coming and going as speed increases. The head and neck are held somewhat erect. When viewed from the side, the forelegs and hind legs extend equally while maintaining a level topline.

This is a companion breed above all.