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Large, Rugged, Powerful and Impressive: This is the Essence of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog

Anatolian Shepherd Dog

This article was originally published in Showsight Magazine, May 2021 issue.


Large, Rugged, Powerful and Impressive: This is the Essence of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog

This is a Working Dog, first and foremost. “Shepherd” is in the dog’s name, but he is not a “herding” dog. He is the shepherd’s dog. An even temperament is sought, and reserve out of territory is acceptable. Anatolians are not natural “show dogs.” He “shows” by appearing confident, alert, intelligent, and watchful. He goes to shows to please his master, not for making new friends or hearing applause. The Standard calls for “bold, but calm, unless challenged.” DO NOT expect this dog to respond to you with animation. No jigging chiclets or baby talk, please! His way is to tolerate your exam. Most of the Anatolians you will see in the showring are livestock guardians, and are shown by their owners. Please allow time to set the dog for exam, with plenty of room between exhibitors.

Approach the dog by speaking to the handler, and examine him quickly and efficiently. Always ask the handler to show the bite and teeth. Note: This breed does not have to have full dentition nor are broken teeth a fault. Overshot, undershot or a wry bite is a disqualification; a level bite is acceptable, a scissors bite is preferred. This breed is presented, not shown. A loose lead is a must while gaiting, with plenty of room in between exhibitors. The Anatolian Shepherd Dog is an ancient breed, some say it dates back to biblical times. Its origins are in Turkey and throughout Asia Minor. The dog was developed to meet the needs of ancient agrarian societies of The Old World. As the trade merchants in ancient times traveled throughout Europe and Asia Minor, the dogs that traveled with them bred with the dogs in those areas. This breed is a Molosser-type breed derivative with Sighthound. Thus, the Anatolian is large, rugged, powerful, and impressive.

This is also the reason they are agile and light on their feet—and fast. The breed came about to fulfill the need of shepherds to have their livestock protected. This is a true livestock guardian breed (LGB). It’s as easy as that. Over the centuries, the predation protection demands placed on the shepherds helped them to choose their breeding stock “as those who would answer the call.” The ASDs that you see today harken back centuries to those courageous ancestors. They were not chosen for beauty, but for bravery, intelligence, calmness under fire, and an instinct to decide what is a threat and what is not. Study the Standard and consider the dog’s purpose. These are key elements in correctly judging our wonderful breed. We at the Anatolian Shepherd Dog Club of America stand ready to help you understand and appreciate our beloved breed.