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Living With A Portuguese Water Dog

Portuguese Water Dog on Yellow Kayak. A kayak equipped with a special platform and outrigger allows man s best friend to join in on a day of kayaking. This Portuguese Water dog is a good swimmer and was bred to work alongside fishermen in the Atlantic off the coast of Portugal.

This article was originally published in Showsight Magazine, February 2013 issue.


Living With A Portuguese Water Dog

Selecting a dog for your family can be an overwhelming task. There are so many different breeds to choose from, and hopefully one has taken the time to match the dog with their family’s interests and lifestyle.

If you are active, enjoy the outdoors, and love the challenge of training a dog that at times would love to outsmart you, then the Portuguese Water Dog is for you.

Watching a group of Portuguese Water Dogs hard at play with each other certainly gives us a glimpse of what made this dog the breed of choice for the Portuguese Fisherman. These fishermen were hardworking, dedicated, persistent people with a sense of humor and a flair for fun and whimsy. Sounds like a good description of the dogs that shared this life!

Living with a Portuguese Water Dog (PWD) is an adventure. As described in the breed standard, they are working dogs first and foremost who are very intelligent, curious, energetic, and affectionate, and at their best when given a job to do. A bored PWD will most definitely create their own forms of entertainment! They require a trainer who can think as quickly as their dog. They respond well to reward-based methods of training that encourage them to problem-solve and think things through. They don’t respond well to repetitive training. A PWD does not see the point of doing the same thing over and over, so trying to sneak in a lot of repetitions will definitely bring out a mischievous side that will leave everyone laughing.

They often need a consistent but benevolent hand when discipline is required since they will take correction as long as it is fair. Portuguese Water Dogs are great family pets. They are patient and loving with children, though boundaries are best set early so puppies and kids know what acceptable play behavior is.

The PWD is a watchdog by nature, and they can and will take their job very seriously if allowed to. The breed standard uses the expression “strong-willed” in its description. This trait shows itself the most when it comes to their watchdog duties. The PWD must have a clear and well-defined leader of their pack, or this breed is more than happy to take that position. A dog that sees itself as king of the domain can become quite protective and overzealous in guarding that domain.

Portuguese Water Dogs need to understand from the start that they work on this “fishing vessel,” and they don’t own it. Socialization is really critical for the breed since they can be wary of strangers. Teaching them to accept strange people and situations is vital to having a well-rounded dog that will be a pleasure to live with.

With their quick minds and love of learning, one of the best things you can do with a PWD is to enroll them in a “puppy kindergarten” or beginning obedience class. Introducing them to a controlled environment of other people and pets can reinforce your role as leader and offer them socialization with dogs and people. Classes can be a great opportunity for the family to learn how to teach and correct the dog, too.

There are many recognized activities where the Portuguese Water Dog excels. Competitions exist in the areas of obedience, agility, conformation, and tracking. Instruction is needed to participate, but classes are conducted through local dog clubs, including regional Portuguese Water Dog clubs. In addition to AKC-sponsored events, the PWD Club of America supports regional clubs, water trials.

Working on Portuguese fishing boats, the PWD would have been called on to retrieve fishing gear, drag nets through the water, deliver items from one boat to the other, or even back to shore. Many of these activities are replicated during the water trial, and it is wonderful to watch as the dogs go through each exercise, working with their handler and doing what they were bred to do.

Portuguese Water Dogs are a formidable breed, and if one is in your future, you will be rewarded with a loving, loyal companion who will keep you on your toes and assure that life will be full of surprises and fun.