Meet the Breeder/Owner Handler: Jackie Harris
1. How were you first introduced to the sport of purebred dogs? To your breed?
Jackie Harris: My family had Miniature Schnauzers before I was born and that is the breed I grew up with. My husband, kids, and I purchased a Miniature Schnauzer from a breeder as a family pet. She asked my daughter if she wanted to show a show puppy from the litter and asked me to show another one that was originally being sent to a show home. We had no idea what we were doing, but with the breeder’s guidance we finished both boys relatively quickly. I was hooked.
2. How many years in dogs? How many as an Owner Handler? As a Breeder?
Jackie Harris: I’ve been in dogs as an Owner Handler for 15 years, nine years as a Breeder.
3. Do you attend show handling classes? Have you attended in-person handling seminars?
Jackie Harris: Yes, I have attended some local classes in Colorado. I have also attended in-person handling seminars. Norma Smith and Eric Salas were both wonderful to me and a huge help.
4. Have you found virtual learning tools to be helpful? Videos? Websites? Social Media? AKC Canine College?
Jackie Harris: I have watched some videos, but I have found in-person seminars tend to be the most beneficial, as you can get feedback specifically on you and your dog.
5. Do you compete in the National Owner-Handled Series? Are rankings important to you?
Jackie Harris: Yes, I compete in the NOHS. The rankings became important to me this past year because it challenged me to learn and do my best.
6. How important is the Bred-By Class to you? How important are Specialties?
Jackie Harris: I think the Bred-By Class is the most important one. If the meaning behind dog shows is to display your breeding, then it is important for the breeders to be the one doing so when possible. Specialties are important for many reasons. Mainly, Specialties bring out the best of the breed and challenge breeders to exhibit their best. It is important for spectators to see the best of our breed. I also think it is extremely beneficial to have as many Miniature Schnauzer breeders at the same show to strengthen the Miniature Schnauzer community.
7. Is it a challenge to compete with your breed as a Breeder/Owner Handler?
Jackie Harris: Yes, it is very challenging to compete with my breed as a Breeder/Owner Handler. Like most breeds, we have many well-known faces who have a long history of showing our breed. I believe the challenge in grooming a Miniature Schnauzer also brings a lot of Professional Handlers into showing our breed. I do want to emphasize that “challenge” doesn’t necessarily imply a negative. I think both of these things force exhibitors to be the best they can be.
8. Who have been your mentor(s) as an Owner Handler? As a Breeder?
Jackie Harris: Eric Salas was instrumental in forcing me to learn my Breed Standard while also emphasizing that my bitch and I should enjoy the ring. It was through his guidance that I realized how important that was to me. I have been lucky to have many people help me with breeder knowledge: Carol Henning, Patty Ledgerwood, and Connie Krohn, to name a few
9. How important is the Breeder/Owner Handler to the future of the sport? To your breed?
Jackie Harris: I think the Breeder/Owner Handler is extremely important to both. I have met some wonderful Professional Handlers who have a true passion for what they are doing, but I don’t think anything compares to the knowledge one can receive when direct breed knowledge is passed on to other Miniature Schnauzer breeders. If we decrease the number of Breeder/Owner Handlers, that knowledge is harder and harder to find.
10. What advice would you give to Owner Handlers who are thinking of breeding their dog(s)?
Jackie Harris: I would make sure they have taken the time to truly understand what their end goal is. They should be sure they have a good support system for not only the breeding side of it but also for how to raise a show puppy. Plus, they also need to have guidance in making sure they place their other puppies in quality pet homes.
11. What are your goals as a Breeder/Owner Handler? Is there a victory that has eluded you?
Jackie Harris: My goal is to win Breed at a Miniature Schnauzer Specialty. I have won Terrier Specialties but not breed-specific.
12. Is there a funny story that you can share about your experiences as a Breeder/Owner Handler?
Jackie Harris: I have done many embarrassing things in the ring that make me laugh now. But the one that makes me laugh the most is when a few of us exhibitors in the ring misunderstood the judge’s instructions for the down and back, so he made us do it again. I thought it was an odd request when he first instructed us, but I did what I thought he’d asked. It was comical but a win. Of course, it was 100 percent my fault for misunderstanding, not his.