Meet the Show Chair: Michael Gesauldi – Arrowhead Kennel Club
1. What is the name of your show/cluster?
Michael Gesauldi: Our show is the Arrowhead Kennel Club. I’ve decided to take a break for 2025 as Show Chair, but I love being Show Chair and plan on doing it again. It’s been a privilege and an honor.
2. Where are your show(s)/cluster held? When?
Michael Gesauldi: Arrowhead Kennel Club is held at the South Buckeye Equestrian Center in Buckeye, Arizona, on the first weekend in October.
3. How long have you been Show/Cluster Chair?
Michael Gesauldi: I was a volunteer as a golf cart driver for 16 years and became a proven Show Chair in 2023 and 2024, without a mentor, when we decided not to cluster with another club. I had to work harder since I am severely hard of hearing and a lip reader.
4. Can you please provide a brief history of your club?
Michael Gesauldi: Arrowhead was established in 1992 in the Northwest Valley of Arizona. We are involved with the local community and have donated funds to the Peoria Police Department for training a dog and for protective equipment for the canine. Our meeting is held on the fourth Tuesday of every month, except for July and August.
5. How are the following accommodated at your show(s)/cluster: Parking; Grooming; Bathing, Hospitality; Vendors; Public Education?
Michael Gesauldi: With careful planning of the committees, we were able to accommodate Parking, Grooming, Hospitality, and Vendors. The Treasurer and myself became AED CPR Certified. We just started as an independent club and we do have Public Education.
6. Does your show/cluster offer the National Owner-Handled Series? Junior Showmanship? 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy? Best Bred-By? Specialties? Supported Entries?
Michael Gesauldi: Arrowhead has had entries in Junior Showmanship, 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy, Bred-By, Veterans, and supported Breed Specialties.
7. What about Companion and Performance Events? Obedience? Rally? Agility? Fast CAT? Dock Diving? Other?
Michael Gesauldi: Due to the venue, Arrowhead has not been able to accommodate space for Companion Events, Rally, Specialty, and Fast CAT. However, that is our future plan to do so.
8. How are judging panels determined?
Michael Gesauldi: Arrowhead has a Judge Selection Committee that handles the judging panel.
9. Who stewards at your show(s)/cluster?
Michael Gesauldi: We hire the Steward Club of Arizona. Therefore, the Chief Ring Steward selects the stewards for our show.
10. Does your club have an active membership? How are you seeking new members?
Michael Gesauldi: Arrowhead is proud to say that we have an active membership. Volunteers are the heart of the club. We are actively reaching out to the community through word of mouth, such as going to training and handling classes.
11. How are your show(s)/cluster promoted? TV? Radio? Print? Social Media?
Michael Gesauldi: Arrowhead Kennel Club is promoted through social media and advertising.
12. What are some of the challenges that you’ve faced as Show/Cluster Chair? What challenges lie ahead?
Michael Gesauldi: The challenges I found as a Show Chair are that some of the Board Members did not know the inside workings of a show, which made it challenging. The AKC show manual provides vital tools to put on a show. I read the show manual eight times and am still learning. Teamwork is vital. The big challenge is to find a venue that can accommodate all our needs and stay within the budget. Arrowhead had to reevaluate our show date due to the heat in Arizona and is now leaning to a date that is in a cooler month. I am confident that the next Show Chair will succeed. True to its testimony, a Show Chair never sits!