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The Versatile Anatolian

Anatolian Shepherd Dog

This article was originally published in Showsight Magazine, May 2015 issue.

The Versatile Anatolian

The Anatolian Shepherd Dog is classified as a working dog, but that does not thoroughly explain the heart of the breed. Historically, the Anatolian was bred to serve as a livestock guardian dog. Their purpose almost makes the name a misnomer as they are not a shepherd per se. The breed does not instinctively herd. Traditionally, their job was to blend in with the herd and protect them from outside predators, both two- and four-legged.

The breed has a naturally calm and discerning demeanor as well as being fiercely loyal to their charge, independent-thinking, and extremely intelligent. In the show ring, this often translates to the dog with no animation. In the real world, this means that, with proper socialization, the breed has the potential to be extremely versatile.

While you do not see Anatolians performing obedience at every show, it isn’t that it doesn’t happen. In 2014, there were two dogs that competed in traditional AKC performance events and several that went on to achieve their Canine Good Citizen title. Anatolians tend not to excel at obedience, but it doesn’t mean they can’t. Their intelligence is unmatched, and they learn everything you teach them. Unfortunately, they are also independent thinkers. Therefore, they will sit, but it is often not a quick response. They tend not to enjoy repetitive actions and get bored with them quickly. However, the right dog with the right owner can make a great obedience team.

Anatolians are performing as service dogs all over the world. The characteristics that help them excel in service work are their loyalty, low-energy, nurturing, and discerning demeanor. While performing as service dogs, the Anatolian replaces their natural charges, such as a lamb or a goat, with an owner that needs their service. Since the breed is naturally very nurturing, they want to help the young and ill. This makes service a perfect fit for the Anatolian.

With proper socialization, the Anatolian helps to relax a patient with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) by making them feel safe. The Anatolian can sense the use of drugs and alcohol, making them very adept at noticing medication changes and chemical imbalances. Their large size also makes them ideal to serve as a stabilization assistant, and their judgment of character helps to prevent others from taking advantage of the human they are charged with serving.

Therapy is another arena in which Anatolians are able to excel. Therapy work consists of visiting nursing homes, rehabilitative services, and the physically and mentally ill to provide positive stimulation. The properly socialized Anatolian thrives on nurturing the young and the weak. The very behaviors that make the Anatolian stay with the newborn lamb in the field can be applied to visiting a nursing home. Each year, more Anatolians are performing successfully as therapy dogs.

The key to versatility outside the field is socialization, socialization, socialization. Socialization will never remove the protective instinct of the Anatolian Shepherd, but it does allow them to apply themselves to numerous challenges in a fast-paced, growing society. It helps merge the old-world nature of the breed with the new-world challenges.