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Thoughts on Judging Poodles

A big royal poodle in the ring at a dog show compared to another dog. Selective focus.

This article was originally published in Showsight Magazine, September 2017 issue.


Thoughts on Judging Poodles

All judges are expected to be experts and very knowledgeable when they step into the ring wearing a judge’s badge. They must know their Breed Standards from start to finish and recognize quality when they find it. Over the years, most judges develop a pattern for breed evaluation and follow it. Most knowledgeable exhibitors are aware of a judge’s track record and what their background is in the breed they are judging.

Over time, the experienced exhibitor frequently knows what type of dog within a breed is favored by the judge. Almost any judge will openly tell you that the most difficult class to judge is a class lacking in quality.

The routine we follow when judging Poodles (or any other breed) seldom varies, although it may be influenced by the size of the ring. After a class is checked in, we move the dogs around the ring. We want our first impression to come from the total picture of each individual dog moving in comparison to the rest of the class. We identify which dogs move with a long, ground-covering stride while remaining relaxed and tuned in to their handler.

In a small ring, large classes are divided to move only five or six dogs at a time for the first go-round. After all the entries have moved around the ring for the first time, we begin the individual examinations. We first look at the total picture: Is the dog squarely built, elegant in overall appearance, correctly groomed, and watching us as we approach?

We don’t rush in, grab the dog’s muzzle, and pry open the mouth. Before examining dentition, we look at eye expression, size, and color. We check whether the topknot has been carefully pulled forward to shade the eyes, making them appear darker, or if it has been arranged to change the shape of the eye or make it appear smaller. We also check for elastic bands illegally placed behind the occiput, as well as ear placement, size, and shape.

At this point, we check the mouth for correct dentition, muzzle strength, lippiness, and excessive loose skin at the throat. It takes longer to describe this process than to perform it. From the throat, we move one hand down to evaluate the forechest, hoping to find it well-developed. If the dog has straight shoulders or shoulders set too far forward, there may be little or no forechest, and we find a hollow. We may also find elbows set out away from the chest.

From here, we move a hand down the front leg to check for bone size and evaluate the feet. Properly knuckled feet are essential, and flat, splayed feet are a major fault. These are often hidden with a long puff of hair. If the feet are not visible without lifting the puff, we do so.

Next, we check the depth of the chest, which should come down to the elbows. We assess the shoulders, looking for strong, smoothly muscled blades with the upper foreleg of equal length. The elbow should be placed directly beneath the highest point of the shoulder blade. We do this carefully, remembering that inches of hair may cover this structure.

We also examine the spring of rib, followed by the length and depth of the loin. The Poodle’s topline is described as “level, neither sloping nor roached, from the highest point of the shoulder blade to the base of the tail,” with the exception of a slight hollow just behind the shoulder. This slight hollow, often called a swimmer’s dip, reflects their use as skilled water retrievers.

We check the base of the tail, which testifies to the width and strength of the vertebrae in the spine. The hindquarters are examined by appearance and touch to gauge muscle tone. Over-angulation with hocks placed far out behind is undesirable. The hind toes should be slightly behind the point of the rump.

A Poodle’s movement often reveals flaws not apparent when standing still. The Breed Standard calls for “light, springy action and strong hindquarter drive.” Sound, effortless movement is essential. We assess movement not by speed but by the number of strides it takes to cover the ring. Movement also proves balance between a well-angulated front assembly and a well-muscled hindquarter.

Dogs that move at an angle coming and going often have more drive from their hindquarters than their front assembly can absorb. Skilled handlers adjust their Poodle’s speed to optimize its appearance. Unfortunately, some dogs carry large bubble coats that roll from side to side, exaggerating such issues.

A skilled groomer can hide many faults by manipulating the coat. An experienced judge learns to see through the hair to evaluate the dog underneath.

It’s unfortunate that some exhibitors believe more hair is better and are frequently rewarded by judges. Many Poodles appear dressed for a ball rather than a sporting event. Dogs adorned like they’re wearing Marie Antoinette’s hoop skirt or a bejeweled wig detract from the essence of the breed.

Judges should focus on what lies beneath the hair and reward Poodles that are correctly built in both front and rear, honoring those that are a true credit to their breed.