This article was originally published in Showsight Magazine, November 2013 issue.
The Löwchen Breed
“Sense of humor” is a description that many of us use when asked about these little clowns. Referring to both ours and the dogs themselves. Through the ages, Löwchen were sometimes used as jesters to entertain the court. Today, whether it’s their antics in the ring or out, they have a propensity for getting into mischief. I suppose they have to have a sense of humor when you look at their traditional clip. With the Portuguese Water Dog’s popularity increasing, people are becoming more accustomed to seeing the clip, and like the PWDs, it is the most identifiable feature of the Löwchen.
While the concept of purebred dogs has only been around since the 19th century, the “Löwchen” type dog, with its distinctive clip, can be traced back through art to the 16th century. It is believed that the clip came from the need for cleanliness.
From historical accounts, there is a story that if a knight died in battle, a lion was carved on his tombstone at his feet; if he died during peacetime, a Löwchen was placed there instead. Through the artwork of the period, particularly Albrecht Durer, we know that this little dog was held in high esteem and was probably used in the castle for both killing vermin and as a family pet for the children.
Almost extinct after the Second World War, credit is given to Madame Bennett of Belgium who saved the breed. Thanks to her devotion and careful selection, our breed has survived and thrived with relatively few health issues. All of our modern-day dogs can be traced to the ones she gathered together at that time.
Löwchen can be found in the usual venues of Conformation, Obedience, and Agility. However, they are also in some very unusual ones such as nose work, tracking, herding, and dock diving. Recently the AKC has recognized titles in a new sport called “Barn Hunt,” which is similar to the Terrier Go-To Ground Trials. And yes, Beth Haberkorn Sternitzky has a Löwchen competing in it too.
Rally has established itself as a very popular sport. Barbara Cecil’s Petey achieved 4th place in the RAE Class (the top class) at the 2013 AKC Rally National Competition on March 15, 2013, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Laurie Boyce’s “Pree” has his Tracking Dog Excellent title. We even have some Löwchen that are into sailing, which isn’t a surprise as the majority of them seem to love water. These diverse little dogs are willing to take on any challenge presented… as long as you make it fun.
Fun is the one thing that a Löwchen thrives on more than anything else. They want to see a smile on your face, hear the excitement in your voice, and gleam at their achievements. If you are too serious and too regimented, a Löwchen is certainly not the breed for you, as they will just shut down. Repetitive exercises just bore them.
Some people have referred to the breed as stubborn. I disagree. They simply need to be trained in an upbeat, positive manner. We have several Löwchen that have achieved the highest level in agility. Gary Nordahl’s “Tucker” has MACH 15 and counting, and Don Roback’s “J” has the equivalent of a PhD in obedience, holding the much revered OTCh title. Both have qualified for the National team several times. Barbara Cecil, Löwchen owner, and author of two books on training a small dog still holds the record of having the most titled Löwchen in our history with her late “Pistol” collecting a whopping 115 different titles.
While Löwchen love to be active and work with you, they are first and foremost a wonderful family pet. These smart, loving, versatile little dogs are well suited to many different lifestyles. Most are just as happy to sit by your side or at your feet watching a movie as running an agility course. Some actually prefer it, as like people, not everyone is into sports.
When it comes to color, taking literary freedom with the “Forest Gump” quote, Löwchen “are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.” White partis, Irish Pied, Sables—the variety is endless, and you can get several different colors in one litter. Just as Löwchen can come in any range of color and have a predisposition to change color, fading and darkening over the years, their personalities can be as different as night and day.
Based on the history of the breed, many of us believe that there are actually two very distinct types of temperament within the breed itself. One, the laid-back easygoing companion dog, the other more terrier-like, busier, and ready to take on the world. For that reason, it is very important for the breeder you are dealing with to know your lifestyle and expectations, as they are best suited to match you with the right puppy.
An individual who wants to do obedience and agility work would be looking for a puppy with more energy than a retired couple who just want to have a dog to sit with and take for walks. Most of us, as breeders, have had both types of Löwchen at one time or another. Like any breed, there are some health issues. We have been fortunate with having a relatively healthy breed; however, there is some PRA. As well, hips and patellas should be checked. Liver and kidney issues have cropped up from time to time, and sadly, cancer spares no man or beast.
If the puppy is not socialized and taught to be alone, he can suffer from separation anxiety. They are naturally social little dogs that enjoy other dogs and animals but should have a fenced yard so they don’t wander to “see what’s on the other side,” as they have a keen sense of curiosity. They definitely need routine to ensure they are house-trained properly, or this can become problematic.
And, as mentioned, the challenge with this breed is to maintain your sense of humor when they decide to get into some mischief!
Barbara Cecil wrote about one of her experiences with the late Pistol in the ring: “…Pistol made his debut in the AKC Open obedience class Sunday (incidental brag—he won first place with a 198) wowing the crowd and judge in the process. After watching dog after dog plod through the exercises, the judge was grinning ear-to-ear as Pistol performed everything at warp speed. Pistol’s retrieves—one on the flat and one over the jump—are particularly noteworthy: he flies out to the dumbbell, grabs it, then flips his rear almost over his head (this is hard to describe), lands facing me, and then flies back in for the front.
It’s pretty spectacular and no, I didn’t teach him to do it that way, it’s something he invented himself.” “Well, the first-place dog in each class got a toy from a big laundry basket full of toys that a steward brought into the ring. I asked the steward, a rather grim young woman, to put the basket on the floor and let Pistol pick out his own toy…she arched an eyebrow, but did it anyway. Pistol jumped into the basket and grabbed one toy that had a dainty squeak. That wouldn’t do! He grabbed another that had no squeak at all. Toss it! No, not this one! Not that one either! Almost disappearing into the pile of toys, he at last surfaced with a huge pink pig that, to Pistol’s delight, went SQUEAL! OINK! SQUEAL! OINK! Perfect!”
“Everyone clapped, and Pistol was pleased as punch. ‘My,’ said the ring steward, putting the discarded toys back into the basket, ‘Your dog has… hmmmm… an abundance of personality.’” “Now is that a great compliment or what? I’m not sure the steward meant it that way, but that’s how I’m going to take it. Mr. Personality, in abundance! SQUEAL! OINK! Perfect!” Is a Löwchen right for you? This little-known breed has so much to offer, and while a Löwchen may not be for everyone, the RIGHT Löwchen is a pure delight!