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The Versatile Norfolk Terrier

Norfolk Terrier

This article was originally published in Showsight Magazine, May 2015 issue.


The Versatile Norfolk Terrier

Looking for a little, high-powered dog to add to your family? This little dog was originally bred in the farmlands of Europe as barn dogs to rid the barn of vermin and used on occasion to bolt quarry on a hunt. Today’s Norfolk Terrier retains many of those original breeding characteristics. Their courage is incredible with the natural hunter instincts with a strong drive for prey for small vermin, rats, squirrels, chipmunks, and such. Norfolk’s typical temperament is happy, spirited, self-confident, and they thrive on human contact. The Norfolk Terrier is an active, energetic, fearless, feisty, sociable, and charming, all rolled into one, small dog. They are assertive without being aggressive and usually get along with other dogs. However, the Norfolk should not be left home alone around gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, birds, and other small family pets as their hunting instincts will “kick in.” The Norfolk Terrier needs daily exercise and enjoys walking and jogging.

He will take as much exercise as you can give. They also enjoy agility, Earthdog tests, tracking, obedience, and the conformation ring. They should always be on lead or in a fenced area, as they do not know the dangers of the road, often said to not be road smart. They will take off after a squirrel and run right into traffic. The fence must be secure and without openings as they are talented escape artists. They love children and are well-behaved with respectful kids. Many are good with other family pets if introduced as a puppy and allowed to grow together. Most are not yappy, but they will bark if someone knocks on the door, rings the doorbell, or is seen walking by. They do make good watchdogs, but once someone is inside your home, the Norfolk Terrier loves everyone! They will bark and/or dig if they are bored, lonely, or unexercised.

They are trainable but learn slowly and look forward to reward treats. They are willing to please, but always independent-minded. They are usually quick to housetrain. They are loyal, devoted, and loving and will want to be included in all family life aspects and activities. The Norfolk Terriers love to take rides in vehicles to see different sights, people, and locations, which is helpful to soothe the fears of only going in a vehicle for grooming or vet appointments. Norfolk Terriers love to participate in many different events, excelling in all. From conformation, agility, Barn Hunt, obedience, Earthdog (or going to ground), to dock diving and therapy dogs. The following are some of the events that may interest the owner or the dog. Most have a by-product of gaining exercise for both the handler as well as the dog, while allowing the Norfolk to be the Terrier they are.

In the Conformation Ring

The sport of showing one’s dog in the show ring dates back decades and continues today. Originally, the owners exhibited their own dogs, showing to judges who are trained to know and understand the Breed Standards, for the award of Champion in the breed. For Norfolk Terriers, the most notable was English-American Champion Cracknor Cause Celebre, “Coco.” Handled by Beth Sweigert and Peter Green, Coco went Best in Show at the AKC Invitational in 2003 and 47 other BIS in 2003. The high point in 2003 was Coco winning BIS for all four shows of the Montgomery Weekend which had never been done before. The pièce de résistance was winning Best in Show at Crufts 2005—a great Ambassador for the Norfolk Terrier breed.

Dock Diving

Dock diving or dock jumping is an activity that surfaced in 1997. The AKC officially became involved in 2014 with introducing title recognition for dogs competing in the North American Diving Dogs events. Dock jumping is a competition in which a dog runs off the dock into a pool or body of water. Known as jumping a wave, the team of dog and handler, are measured by how far the dog jumps into the pool. Jumps begin qualifying at 0.1″ to over 30 feet. The sport is open to all breeds and mixed breeds. Events are held indoors and outdoors and in conjunction with AKC All Breed Shows. The lap dog competition is for breeds under 16″ at the withers; this is where the Norfolk Terrier fits in.


Norfolk Terriers remain a rarity in the obedience ring. With the right person, the Norfolk Terriers are certainly capable of learning high-precision work. They are attentive and have an overwhelming desire to please. While it is gratifying to receive the high scores and blue ribbons, it is important for the dogs and handlers to have a really good time in the ring.


Norfolk Terriers do very well in the sport and the sport has a lot to recommend it to Norfolk Terrier owners. The Norfolk Terriers are busy little dogs, who can easily get themselves into all kinds of trouble when bored. They’re also a bunch who appreciate their food and treats, leading to a relatively high incidence of obesity in the breed. What better than a sport that entertains them and keeps them fit. Norfolk are inventive little dogs. You need a creative and creative trainer to keep up. To keep the Norfolk excited and willing to work hard, rewards are a must. Squeaky toys are often seen as the ultimate rewards for these little rat catchers. But high value treats work wonderfully as well. To see these little dogs work through the various obstacles in a set path is truly remarkable.


Earthdog trials test the working ability and instinct of the Norfolk Terriers. Since these dogs were bred to hunt vermin and other quarry which lived in underground dens, these tests can be a natural extension of the Norfolk Terrier’s instinctive hunting skills. While Earthdog trials involve man-made underground tunnels that the dogs must navigate, while scenting “the quarry,” the dog must follow the scent to the quarry and then “work” the quarry. “Working” means barking, scratching, staring, pawing, digging—any active behavior. The quarry is protected at all times by wooden bars across the end of the tunnel; therefore, the hunting encounter is controlled and neither the dog nor the quarry (usually two rats) are endangered by the activity.

Barn Hunt

This event places the Norfolk Terrier back to their roots of searching in a farm environment for their prey. Historically, many breeds were used by itinerant “rat catchers” to rid farms of crop-robbing, disease-spreading rats. The sport of Barn Hunt is modeled after that job the Norfolk Terrier is adeptly suited for. The sport takes place in a barn-like atmosphere that can be recreated almost anywhere. An enclosed ring, 50-60 bales of straw or hay, some tubes, and some rats are all it takes for these terriers to get their rat on Barn Hunt style. The Norfolk Terrier is a versatile dog with many opportunities for both the dog and the people to participate in. Regardless of one’s preference, these little dogs will aim to please and all for a reward treat and the loving embrace of their people. Some Norfolk Terriers will just love to fetch the ball for as long as your arm will move and still want more. This is a gregarious dog that is like no other.